
The Rapture Ball - Poppy


Letra The Rapture Ball - Poppy

Chauffeur take me dancing where everyone is groovy 

Make it like a movie, uh, oh 

Champagne say my name all the waiters in tuxedos 

Serving pretty people 

Well, I never got to go to prom 

Never wore the pink chiffon 

Take me to the rapture ball where everyone is beautiful 

This is the best bang since the big one 

Everybody's in love, dancing with their eyes shut 

This is the best bang since the big one 

Touch me, with your white glove 

Cover me in gold dust 

The best bang since the big one 

The best bang since the big one 

The best bang since the big one 

Ball gown, platinum crown 

Lining all the limousines up 

Love to cause a scene, yup, uh, oh 

Gold chains, diamond rings 

Look at all the glitterati 

I must be someone important now 

Never got to go to prom 

Never wore the pink chiffon 

Take me to the rapture ball where everyone is beautiful 

This is the best bang since the big one 

Everybody's in love, dancing with their eyes shut 

This is the best bang since the big one 

Touch me, with your white glove 

Cover me in gold dust 

The best bang since the big one 

The best bang since the big one 

The best bang since the big one 

The best bang since the big one 

The best bang since the big one 

The best bang since the big one 

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

The Rapture Ball lyrics


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The Rapture Ball

Alias Artistico: Moriah Poppy, Moriah R. Pereira, Moriah Rose Pereira, Moriah Pereira, That Poppy

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