
Stan - DD Osama


"Stan" es una canción interpretada por DD Osama, SugarHill Keem, Notti Osama y Dudeylo. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 08 de marzo del año 2023. 

Lyrics Stan - DD Osama ft. SugarHill Keem, Notti Osama, Dudeylo

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Comenta sobre Stan

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de DD Osama

Featuring: DudeyLo
Every opp shot (Grrah, nigga) // Every fucking track, nigga // It's that Dudey // Lo nigga, suck my dick (Grrah-grrah) // It's that D //
Letter 2 Notti
Tired of all this fake love and these people still thinkin' that they can control me (Dmac on the fuckin' track) // Why does my heart feel so cold? Got my niggas, but I still feel so lonely // It ain't over, Notti, I'ma do this for you and mommy // Told her be strong, yeah, I got her beside me // When I'm in these streets, yeah, I'm totin' a hottie, like //
Took a flight and now I'm cruisin' down the road (Grrah, bang) // Every opp shot // It's that D // D Osama (Grrah) // With the members in the spot, you make it hot, they let it blow //
40s N 9s
Featuring: Sugarhill Ddot
(Yo TJ, what you cookin' up?) // Grrah, gang-gang-gang // Like, y'all know what's goin' on, man // O // Y or no Y //
Da Real Brotherly Love
Featuring: J Star Balla, JayKlickin
It was nights I had to trap at the park // Totin' on Sally, this shit got a bark // You've tried everything, but you won't give up // Grrah, like, grrah, like // Grrah, like //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de DD Osama

Foto de DD Osama - Imagen del artista

DD Osama


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Stan' de DD Osama, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de DD Osama!