
Something For The Mind - Blossoms


"Something For The Mind" es una canción interpretada por Blossoms, publicada en el álbum Foolish Loving Spaces

Fecha de lanzamiento: 04 de diciembre del año 2020. 

Lyrics Something For The Mind - Blossoms

The heart's a hiring

Causing me to fall in and out of days

Emotions, I'm late

It's dawning on me

Time's precious, why should we wait?

It takes hold of my life

A stolen kiss by twilight

To keep you satisfied

Something for the mind

Let's be

There's no mistaking, people find each other strange

Take to my veins

There's no escaping

What I think about our day

It takes hold of my life

A stolen kiss by twilight

To keep you satisfied

Something for the mind

You walked in with eyes like

I've not seen in my time

Throw a pair of lifelines

Something for the mind

Find me something for the mind

Find me something for the mind

It takes hold of my life

A stolen kiss by twilight

To keep you satisfied

Something for the mind

You walked in with eyes like

I've not seen in my time

Throw a pair of lifelines

Something for the mind

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Something For The Mind lyrics

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Comenta sobre Something For The Mind por Blossoms

Top 10 Canciones Imperdibles de Blossoms

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If you think this is real life // If you think this is real life // I made a promise to you // Then took it back again // I made a mess of your heart //
The Keeper
I wander through these dreams, dreams you keep // I was lost but now, now I see // You bring light and dark, dark undone // The sea that floods is love, love someone // Oh girl //
Oh No (I Think I’m In Love)
You and me, we're // Different as people // Always at // One when it's needed // I just can't //
My Swimming Brain
(Here we go) // My swimming brain // My swimming brain // My swimming brain // On the line //
Your Girlfriend
I'm a boy // And she's a girl // With more charm // Than most movie stars // So we met //
Sunday Was a Friend of Mine
Nothing's easy // I'll be alright // Call... it what you want // I wouldn't ever waste a second when it's time spent with you // But you've been busy //
Falling for Someone
I was so tired and the sky was a grey // I'd spent a lifetime faking it through my days // But you led me back again // Think you corrected my emotional state // You picked it up and put it back into play //
Like Gravity
She is calling // She is near // And it draws me like gravity // I am falling // I am here //
Romance, Eh?
Come back, oh, come back, babe // I'm in over my head with you // I can't find a better way // To say I'm not quite sure // Maybe give it time on my end //
My Vacant Days
I'm a stranger // In a place where // I'm alive but I'm in too deep // Am l in danger? // A fear of changes //

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Something For The Mind

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Something For The Mind' de Blossoms, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Blossoms!