
Say - Julien Bam


"Say" es una canción interpretada por Julien Bam, publicada en el álbum Say EP

Fecha de lanzamiento: 05 de febrero del año 2016. 

Lyrics Say - Julien Bam

Didn't take too long to feel like I’ve known ya

This life we share with thousand memories, baby

And I know you know the way that it sings to you

And it sings to me too

Everything up to the way you move

Makes me fall for you, girl, I’m falling for you

It’s rolling all your tricks and melodies when it sings to you

Yeah, it sings to you, you

Say, just say that you do

You do love me too

And we can be true

Got nothing to hide

But haunted by night

From you

Just say that you do

You do love me too

And we can be true

All my heart is for you

So open the gate

And let our heart sway into the night

Growing up with you along these years

If you notice me like I noticing you

You ride down my side

And you slowly drift away, I guess it’s okay

I tried to show how I really feel

And you tried it too, but denied me from you

It’s rolling all your tricks and melodies when it sings to you

Yeah, it sings to you, you

Say, just say that you do

You do love me too

And we can be true

Got nothing to hide

But haunted by night

From you

Just say that you do

You do love me too

And we can be true

All my heart is for you

So open the gate

And let our heart sway into the night

I always forever

’Cause it’s drivin’, drivin’, drivin’ me crazy

So baby just say it

Don’t let me wait

Just say, just say that you do

You do love me too

And we can be true

Got nothing to hide

But haunted by night

From you

Just say that you do

You do love me too

And we can be true

All my heart is for you

So open the gate

And let our heart sway into the night

Just say that you do

You do love me too

And we can be true

All my heart is for you

So open the gate

And let our heart sway into the night

Into the night

Say lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Sé el primero en compartilo en las redes sociales


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Julien Bam


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La letra de la canción "Say - Julien Bam" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "Say" del artista "Julien Bam" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "Julien Bam" llamada "Say".