
Repture Of Tha Spleen - SayRex


"Repture Of Tha Spleen" es una canción interpretada por SayRex 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 01 de Noviembre del año 2024. 

Lyrics Repture Of Tha Spleen - SayRex

Ay, (Aaliyah), fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck

Repture of the spleen - that I can get in tha car crash

What tha fuck you mean? I cannot understand new slang

Ay, what's happened? Bitch, maybe you know, this boy dead?

I forget how I killed 'em, maybe you don't forget

Trust no one to death, oh, join in the game, uh, yah

Help me, be quiet, I don't get a prison term, uh, yah

I gettin' none, I gettin' only hate, love and something

Bitch, I get this whole motherfuckin' world, huh

You don't think what I climb to tha shit, huh, I don't give a fuck

Can you tell me some about your fuckin' life, bitch?

You even don't know, how can kill this motherfucker

I don't gonna talk about this 2 things, but your bitch wanna suck

My dick

(Ha-ha-ha, huh, huh, shut up, little motherfucke-)

Repture of the spleen - that I can get in tha car crash

What tha fuck you mean? I cannot understand new slang

Ay, what's happened? Bitch, maybe you know, this boy dead?

I forget how I killed 'em, maybe you don't forget

Trust no one to death, oh, join in the game, uh, yah

Help me, be quiet, I don't get a prison term, uh, yah

I gettin' none, I gettin' only hate, love and some

Bitch, I get this whole motherfuckin' world, huh

You don't think what I climb to tha shit, huh, I don't give a f-

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Repture Of Tha Spleen lyrics

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Yeah, that part study knows, you know going 14 shit, you dig? Yah // Mafia, be net // Coffee, coffee in my blood // Big 14 know what tha fuck going know and 98gang in this bitch, like, you know I'm sayin'? // Pow, pow //
Faf (novody there)
(Как называется эта песня?)(What tha fuck is name of this song?)(Sheesh) // Listen-listen, listen-listen, listen-listen, listen // Nobody see my money on my motherfuckin' pistol // Bitch, yeah, glory gang, see my bang-tape (Pow) // Glory gang, see my bang-tape, yeah //
(Aaliyah)(98gang, nigga) Wow, Imma take another clearly scalpel(Or knife) // Skinnin' a fat motherfucker it's like eatin' and not bein' right man // Yeah, I'm not surgeon, but I did it all without fuckin' narcosis // Who talked 'bout my brother? // I take your brain and unleash on the convolutions(For fools I'm-) Walk on them //
Repture Of Tha Spleen
Ay, (Aaliyah), fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck // Repture of the spleen - that I can get in tha car crash // What tha fuck you mean? I cannot understand new slang // Ay, what's happened? Bitch, maybe you know, this boy dead? // I forget how I killed 'em, maybe you don't forget //
Idgafbyd (ttalk ddown)
(Как называется эта песня?) // Ha-ha, bitch up, ha-ha // Yeah, talk down, she gotta lotta on my face // Talk down, she gotta lotta on this case, bitch // Talk down, she gotta lotta on my face //

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Repture Of Tha Spleen

Alias Artístico: NBABOY, Johantan Cambell, Lil D3v1l, Lil Hot Rai, Disabledboy, Jonathan Campbell XCVIII, Lil Hot Raider, 98gangfounder

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