
Rebel Music - Black Sherif


"Rebel Music" es una canción interpretada por Black Sherif 

Fecha de lanzamiento: de del año . 

Letra Rebel Music - Black Sherif

Soon time na me tam me ransom k buy me phantom

B hu s peace and comfort y free na yntn

Ebi you go find am

When the time comes and we drop the anthem obiaa b da ntm

Go and seek protection, fa speedy yntm

Mma obi nte wasm

A lotta ways dem try

But I, Is a rebel

You carry matter e go weigh you

Number 1 ting I for dey tell you

A lotta ways dem try

But I, Is a rebel

You carry matter e go weigh you

Number 1 ting I for dey tell you

Story goes on for the slim trapper guy

History go talk I was insane but ah lie

Yse meeb me dam wae the hate never dies

** like me never die

We live forever you don’t know what it’s like

To be in my shoes for a night (you dey whine me)

So what you get hold am tight

Mese b me Auntie Deede right now Mr spinner

Make I buss one for the killas

Wey dey think sey wn akye me gaja, gaja, gaja

Mese b me Auntie Deede right now Mr spinner

Make I buss one for the killas

Wey dey think sey wn akye me gaja, gaja

A lotta ways dem try

But I, Is a rebel

You carry matter e go weigh you

Number 1 ting I for dey tell you

A lotta ways dem try

But I, Is a rebel

You carry matter e go weigh you

Number 1 ting I for dey tell you

You know say I’m a (I’m a)

I’m a sucker for dollar

On a normal keep it original

Normal keep it original

You know say I’m a! (I’m a!)

I’m a sucker for dollar

On a normal keep it original

Normal keep it original

A lotta ways dem try

But I, Is a rebel

You carry matter e go weigh you

Number 1 ting I for dey tell you

A lotta ways dem try

But I, Is a rebel

You carry matter e go weigh you

Number 1 ting I for dey tell you

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Rebel Music lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Black Sherif

Them no go tell you to run // You go run, you go run for your life // If you wake up in the yard and see wagwan // You go run for your life // You go fight for your life no kizzy (E easy?, e no easy) //
Kwaku the Traveller
Yeahhh // Kwaku Killa don't lie when I say I did it, I did it (I did it, I did it) // Big stacks big cash my way but still I fumbled it (fumbled it) // Under one minute (one minute) // Still I can't believe (can’t believe) //
Toxic Love City
Will you only be here for the higher days? // When the sweet times are over are you gonna stay? // Had to ask you early girl i know I'm late // But if you tell me something then I'll be okay // It's nice to have you but I can't continue with these thoughts in my head //
The Homeless Song
I'm at my down-est in life // And I'll be homeless for a while // I know it's unbelievable // Cause I had a home few days ago // It's been hell //
Sad Boys Don’t Fold
Ouu ye-ye Blacko ey // Ey ta-ta-ta-ta // Ey // All my niggas tri mu yɛ sum // Don't you mess around with the crew //

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Black Sherif

Rebel Music

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Rebel Music' de Black Sherif, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Black Sherif!