
RASCAL (Remix) - RMR


"RASCAL (Remix)" es una canción interpretada por RMR y Young Thug, publicada en el álbum DRUG DEALING IS A LOST ART

Fecha de lanzamiento: 16 de junio del año 2020. 

Lyrics RASCAL (Remix) - RMR ft. Young Thug

I've been hurt and fucked up too

Many years ago

Hopin' I could come up quick

Along the broken road

Well, I hustled and found a plug (Found a plug)

Front me extra, show me love

Now I'm flexin' in a Wraith

They hatin' on me too

And every sleepless night

Led me to where I am

Bitches that broke my heart

They became hoes that scam

Show me a better way

Promise I'll quit this game

This much I know, it's true

I came up and so could you

And fuck the boys in blue

Fuck 'em all

Fuck 12, fuck 12

Fuck 12, fuck 12

Fuck the police, that's how I'm givin' it up

Keep my money up, I been sippin' the cup

Pay my lawyer in stick ups

"We're callin' the cops," they can't get us

None of the opps is with us, yeah

Chasin' these blue strips, often elusive

Nemesis nuisances, they label us with they two cents

Recruiters to shooters, they harassin' us, I'm pursuin'

Ride for what's right, the news reporters, they lootin', man

Illusion, propaganda

They even try to break us down and point guns with our hands up

It's fuck 12, man, they been losin' they manners (Losin' they manners)

Fuck around and tie up a blue and red bandana

I'm ready to die and lay it down about my dawg, no pajamas, yeah, yeah

And every sleepless night

Led me to where I am

Bitches that broke my heart

They became hoes that scam

Show me a better way

Promise I'll quit this game

This much I know, it's true

I came up and so could you

And fuck the boys in blue

Fuck 12, fuck 12 (Fuck 12, fuck 12)

Fuck 12, fuck 12 (Fuck 12, fuck 12)

Fuck 12, fuck 12

Fuck 12, fuck 12


This much I know, it's true


In blue

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
RASCAL (Remix) lyrics

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Comenta sobre RASCAL (Remix)

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de RMR

I've been hurt and fucked up too // Many years ago // Hopin' I could come up quick // Along the broken road // Well, I hustled and found a plug (Found a plug) //
Ayy, ayy, ayy // Ayy, ayy // Call her phone, these days she don't answer // Askin' God, " // Oh Lord, please take my prayer" //
(I-I-ISM) // Hundred thousand to my bitch, I bet she clean it for me // Live in Calabasas, welcome to Cali // New money, nigga, go get your money, go be somebody // Just make sure you watch your drink at the party //
No mistake, all white foreign, but it's not a Wraith // Flood that bitch, pussy wet 'cause she from L. // A. // Numb her face, wipe her nose, now she got the drip // Bite the dust, she a queen, Freddie Mercury //
Featuring: Westside Gunn
Woah // Had a hundred shots but it only took five to make that nigga fold // Hit twice up close, make sure he dead and sped off in a Rolls // Pleading, " // Please don't kill me" (Don't kill me) //

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RASCAL (Remix)

Alias Artístico: WhatRMR

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