
POWER - G-Dragon (지드래곤)


"POWER" es una canción interpretada por G-Dragon (지드래곤) 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 31 de Octubre del año 2024. 

가사 POWER - G-Dragon (지드래곤)

When G.D's in the house (Übermensch)

When G.D's in the house

Guess who's back (It's your boy G.D; Yeah, yeah)

Now I got the power

The power, power-up power, power

The power-up power, power (Yet-yet)

억까 짤 퍼다 샬라샬라하다가 shout out

Pump up the power 난 자유로워 (Yap-yap)

Do not waste your time, yeah, it's gotta be me

Prove 'em all wrong, I've got all the receipts

I got the power, the power, power-up power

나는 나다워서 아름다워 (Yep-yep)

애들이 나보고 개꿀이라더군

댓글 리플 관종 걔들 입틀막고

2세대 한정품이 세기의 완성품

Like a Dragonfly 누울 자리 글로 발명품

Hi, hey, how you doin'? My-my name is (Called)

G to the D or G.O.A.T., the livin' legend (Wow!)

King is still poppin' (Star) 'K'- 다시

I heard you've got the straight flush, hah (Whatever)

"He's 4ever royal"

I don't give a 쉬-잇 웃다 끝 '돈' 기부 '억' 씨-익

권력오남용 묻고 관용 천재 지병 불가항력

Way too strong, I've got that

Now I got the power

The power, power-up power, power

The power-up power, power (Yet-yet)

억까 짤 퍼다 샬라샬라하다가 shout out

Pump up the power 난 자유로워 (Yap-yap)

Do not waste your time, yeah, it's gotta be me

Prove 'em all wrong, I've got all the receipts

I got the power, the power, power-up power

나는 나다워서 아름다워 (Yep-yep)

일당백 ‘지뢰밭’ 본업이 (Born to be) 'BANG'

Nothin' you ain't know, but a 'G' thang

But my girl, y'all my brothers (Who run the world?)

The world is yours

동서남북 Asia (미르시여) Europe to Australia (나르샤)

Africa to America (어서옵쇼)

Started from the bottom 'now, here' (아리랑)

I don't give a 쉬-잇 웃다 끝 '돈' 기부 '억' 씨-익

권력오남용 묻고 관용 천재 지병 불가항력

Way too strong, I've got that

Now I got the power

The power, power-up power, power

The power-up power, power (Yet-yet)

억까 짤 퍼다 샬라샬라하다가 shout out

Pump up the power 난 자유로워 (Yap-yap)

Do not waste your time, yeah, it's gotta be me

Prove 'em all wrong, I've got all the receipts

I got the power, the power, power-up power

나는 나다워서 아름다워 (Yep-yep)

I got the power the power power, "88 날아"

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
POWER lyrics

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Comenta sobre POWER

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de G-Dragon (지드래곤)

When G. // D's in the house (Übermensch) // When G. // D's in the house // Guess who's back (It's your boy G.D; Yeah, yeah) //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de G-Dragon (지드래곤)

Foto de G-Dragon (지드래곤) - Imagen del artista

G-Dragon (지드래곤)


Alias Artístico: Kwon Ji Yong (권지용)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'POWER' de G-Dragon (지드래곤), disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de G-Dragon (지드래곤)!