
Power Cut (from One Hand Clapping) - Wings


"Power Cut (from One Hand Clapping)" es una canción interpretada por Wings, publicada en el álbum One Hand Clapping

Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 de junio del año 2024. 

Lyrics Power Cut (from One Hand Clapping) - Wings

This evening, we'd like to do a little request

This request comes from Mrs. G. McBride of Kilbroth Avenue, Edinburgh

And we'd like to do a little request today for her daughter who's 5

She's requested 'Power Cut'

There may be a power cut

And the candles burn down low

But, something inside of me

Says the bad news isn't so

I may never tell you

But, baby, you should know

There may be a miracle

And, baby, I love you so

Be, I love you so

Be, I love you so

Be, I love you so

Power Cut (from One Hand Clapping) lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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Power Cut (from One Hand Clapping)

Alias Artistico: Paul McCartney & Wings, Paul McCartney and the Wings

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