
Pocahontas Proud - Gretchen Wilson


"Pocahontas Proud" es una canción interpretada por Gretchen Wilson, publicada en el álbum Here for the Party

Fecha de lanzamiento: . 

Lyrics Pocahontas Proud - Gretchen Wilson

I was raised in Pocahontas, Illinois

Everybody thought of me as one of the boys

'Cause I'd run with a crowd that was tough

At fifteen

I was tending Big O's Bar

I'd sing 'til 2:00 AM for a half-full tip jar

Spent my youth singing truth

Paying dues

I'm the biggest thing

That ever came from my hometown

And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let 'em down

If it's the last thing I do

Before they lay me in the ground

You know I'm gonna make Pocahontas proud

I knocked on every door on Music Row

But they looked down at me

And said, "Girl, go back home

You ain't got what we need in this town."

But they couldn't whup the fighting side of me

You know where I come from

We don't give up easily


Took all my life to be found

I'm the biggest thing

That ever came from my hometown

And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let 'em down

If it's the last thing I do

Before they lay me in the ground

You know I'm gonna make Pocahontas proud

At twenty-seven

I had baby Grace

I was born again when I saw her sweet face

And I knew she was the greatest thing I'd ever do

I'm the biggest thing

That ever came from my hometown

And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let 'em down

If it's the last thing I do

Before they lay me in the ground

I'm the biggest thing

That ever came from my hometown

And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let 'em down

If it's the last thing I do

Before they lay me in the ground

You know I'm gonna make Pocahontas proud

I was raised in Pocahontas, Illinois

Pocahontas proud

You know I'm gonna make Pocahontas proud

Pocahontas proud

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Pocahontas Proud lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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Gretchen Wilson

Pocahontas Proud

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La canción "Pocahontas Proud" de Gretchen Wilson es propiedad de su respectivo autor. La letra de esta emocionante canción está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Queremos aclarar que nosotros no alojamos la canción "Pocahontas Proud" del artista "Gretchen Wilson" en formato mp3, lo que significa que no podrás descargarla desde aquí. Sin embargo, tenemos disponible la letra completa junto con un enlace al video musical en la plataforma YouTube.com. Esto te permitirá disfrutar de la canción mientras sigues la letra, lo que puede ser una gran manera de aprenderte el tema. A través de este enlace, podrás apreciar la producción visual que acompaña a la canción y dejarte llevar por la energía y el talento de Gretchen Wilson. Te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el video musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema "Pocahontas Proud". ¡Disfruta de la experiencia!