
Pepsi - ​ffawty


"Pepsi" es una canción interpretada por ​ffawty, publicada en el álbum Welcome To The Winner’s Circle

Fecha de lanzamiento: 08 de julio del año 2024. 

Lyrics Pepsi - ​ffawty

Throw da pill in da air before I pop it back

On so much shrooms, gah pop my back

Tell da engineer I'll slap him if he stop my track

Da feds like da cocaine, you can't stop my trap

Swear I just now buy dis bitch ah house

I was just now living on ah couch

I stand over he body, he could vouch

I is deh reason why deh boy walk with a slouch (Lazy)

Say yuh want deh ffawty at ya party, gah pay me

Deh bad bitch wit da body trying drive me crazy

I’ll leave you in deh lobby trying call me baby

I from deh 3 side where ain't shit shady

Pills and potion, rubbing down her body with her boyfriend lotion

All these bitches in meh bed, da ffawty 'bout to have a foursome

Want sum lick? Fuck it, pour some

I have a lot of missionary sex, just to say da stars on you

Meh dawg just ask, "Wah mission is next?"

He want put he paws on two

Switch on deh beach side, sliding on a jet ski

Say she want Petco, I tell deh girl petski

She ain't never meet ah nigga that'll pop it like dis

I'll pop it like a Pepsi

Before I put her on a jet, I put her on a G6

And she still want sex me

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Pepsi lyrics

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Comenta sobre Pepsi

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de ​ffawty

Woah // Wah? (ffawty) // Who yo' fada is? And why he mad at me? // Do ya like Chanel? And can I lick you like ah modafuckin' grabba leaf? // Who yo' fada is? When you on ya knees? //
Throw da pill in da air before I pop it back // On so much shrooms, gah pop my back // Tell da engineer I'll slap him if he stop my track // Da feds like da cocaine, you can't stop my trap // Swear I just now buy dis bitch ah house //
Winner’s Circle
Huh // Uh-uh // Huh // Uh // Baby, welcome to da winner's circle //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de ​ffawty

Foto de ​ffawty - Imagen del artista



Alias Artístico: Izaiah Jakeel McIntosh, Izaiah McIntosh

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Pepsi' de ​ffawty, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de ​ffawty!