
Passport (Intro) - Tha Eastsidaz


"Passport (Intro)" es una canción interpretada por Tha Eastsidaz y Snoop Dogg, publicada en el álbum Still Easty - The EP

Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics Passport (Intro) - Tha Eastsidaz ft. Snoop Dogg

Lights, cameras, action

Ha-ha, yes-sir

You better know it

I want to give a shout out to all of the beautiful people in the house tonight

Especially all of my people from the East Side (East Side)

Yes, worldwide

Internationally loved

Locally respected (Whoo)

Yes-sir, It's been a minute

Goldie Loc, Tray Deee

It's time cuz (East Side)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Passport (Intro) lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Tha Eastsidaz

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Watch & Chillin
Featuring: Snoop Dogg
I've been chilling, watching and listening // Rappers killing, chopping and dissing // Goin' for broke on another man // Instead of reaching and teaching a brother man, let me tell ya // Look, I can't fake no more, this is not promo //
Rag Tied
Got a rag tied around my face // Got a rag tied around my (Face, face, face) // Got a rag tied around my face // Got a rag tied around my (Face, face, face) // Got a rag tied around my face //
Featuring: Rappin’ 4-Tay, ​The Twinz
Dogghouse // Gimme some of that G shit Goldie Loc // Yeah, that's what I'm talkin 'bout // Yeah, check this out y'all, uh huh huh // We got Snoop Dogg in the house tonight, with the homeboy Tray- //
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Hey Dee cuz, they heard something (Yeah) // Hey Tray Deee, they must have heard something // I don't know what they heard // But I know what they about to hear though (Eastside) // Come on //

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Tha Eastsidaz

Passport (Intro)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Passport (Intro)' de Tha Eastsidaz, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Tha Eastsidaz!