
Painting Pictures - Superstar Pride


"Painting Pictures" es una canción interpretada por Superstar Pride, publicada en el álbum 5LBS OF PRESSURE

Fecha de lanzamiento: 22 de octubre del año 2022. 

Lyrics Painting Pictures - Superstar Pride


(GlobalKnockz got the recipe)

Ayy, just thinking 'bout the way you make me feel

It's so, it's so real

2 AM, the night still young

You live by the gun, you gon' die by the gun

Ain't no handouts for nobody

When I ain't had shit, they ain't offer me nothin'

When I'm quiet, I be thinking 'bout killings

A lot of niggas bitch-made, stay in they feelings

Saving these hoes, this shit here pitiful

All these lil' bitty bitches my chillens, ooh

And Mama, don't worry

You raised a gangster, I'm a survivor

It hurt me

Not being able to give you what you want since I was a toddler

Shout out to my pops for all the free game

Everything you ever told me, it stuck in my brain

Real OG status and like to make a change

Shedded tears writin' this, seen so much pain

All the sheisty shit that I've done, blessed to not be in no chains

Uncle killed me when I was young, Mama blessed the boy with the cocaine

Growing up, I ain't have no daddy, my mama played both roles

Been hard on a nigga since I came out the womb, yeah, the pussy hole

I was taught to trust none

Face your problems, never run

Lil' bitch holler she pregnant

You a lil' nat-nat, that ain't my son

Tryna trap me, know I had a glove

Fuck them feelings, slatt, I'm a thug

You a lil' dusty ho, you're the rug

Ayy, and it's still fuck love

2 AM, the night still young

You live by the gun, you gon' die by the gun

Ain't no handouts for nobody

When I ain't had shit, they ain't offer me nothin'

When I'm quiet, I be thinking 'bout killings

A lot of niggas bitch-made, stay in they feelings

Saving these hoes, this shit here pitiful

All these lil' bitty bitches my chillens, ooh

And Mama, don't worry

You raised a gangster, I'm a survivor

It hurt me

Not being able to give you what you want since I was a toddler

Shout out to my pops for all the free game

Everything you ever told me, it stuck in my brain

Real OG status and like to make a change

Shedded tears writin' this, seen so much pain

(GlobalKnockz got the recipe)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Painting Pictures lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Superstar Pride

Painting Pictures
Mm-mm-mm(GlobalKnockz got the recipe) // Ayy, just thinking 'bout the way you make me feel // It's so, it's so real2 A // M, the night still young // You live by the gun, you gon' die by the gun //

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Superstar Pride

Painting Pictures

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Painting Pictures' de Superstar Pride, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Superstar Pride!