
Painkillers - Rainbow Kitten Surprise


"Painkillers" es una canción interpretada por Rainbow Kitten Surprise, publicada en el álbum How to: Friend, Love, Freefall

Fecha de lanzamiento: 06 de abril del año 2018. 

Lyrics Painkillers - Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Very lovely morning

Try not to kill yourself today

Think of all that you'd be missing

Prescription made PAiNkillers

Count your blessings early before the lot will hit the gates

Winnings for the lucky living just takes PAiNkillers

Living just comes with a bit of heartache

Heartache comes with a bit of young faith

Faith stays young till your heart get broken

Hope grows up to become someday

I never hurt no one and no one will ever hurt me

I believe I believe I believe I believe

Faith plays dumb till the doubts all leave

I believe I believe I believe I believe

Manna won't fall till the people all speak

I believe I believe I believe I believe

Canaan ain't far for the souls who barter their pain for sweet relief

My queen won't feed on milk and honey

She impartial to the summer sun

She's a lone fire burning in the sand

And a cold, lonely night without one

She cocks her pistols 'fore she pops her collar

Oh she's all but lethal pulling off that laser gun

She's rips the halos off of angels for the fun of it

If all she ever does is smile at you, run

What'd ya need these for?

Round here the cries die young

Fly momma, fly to where you come

Speak momma, round here the quiet die young

Very lovely morning

Don't kill yourself today

Think of all that you'd be missing

And don't you ever pay mind to that line in your way that says you'll ruin it

You'll ruin this for everybody won't you

Very lovely morning

Try not to kill yourself today

Think of all the things you'll be missing

Prescription made PAiNkillers

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Painkillers lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Drop Stop Roll
Drop stop and rolling baby // Knock knocking on your door // You're never home // Lock stock two loaded barrels // Said he heard ten to twelve //
Running right back to where we all got started // Got your fingers running through my hair // Tell me on the tracks that we all die someday // I don't ever flinch, who's scared? // Maybe just a little, caught up to my friends //
I want you, but hon // We've been through enough // There's so much of us // Is there no love? // Like my heart hurts //
Rabbit Run
We are rolled down the hole // I guess we're home now // I suppose I should know // Rabbits run to nowhere // In particular //
Wake up in the morning, all your teeth fall out your head // There's an angel on your story and a demon in your bed // Feels a bit surreal, feeling bad, don't feel it yet // It's a roulette kinda deal, black and red is what you get // Tell me you don't wanna lead me on it //

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Rainbow Kitten Surprise


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Painkillers' de Rainbow Kitten Surprise, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Rainbow Kitten Surprise!