
Orange - Ballad


"Orange" es una canción interpretada por Ballad y TIMHALL. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 Noviembre del año 202. 

Lyrics Orange - Ballad ft. TIMHALL

Pray to God you hear me

So many hours of my mind

I spent thinking and waiting

Can we reconcile?

We were complicated

I’m sorry that I played my part in it

Things went overboard

If you need it I can make it all my fault

I’ve broken all my walls

Just to face you

If you ever find yourself thinking of me

Oh please feel free

Call me

I’ve been losing sleep (I've been losing sleep)

Wide awake while the world’s asleep

I’ve been losing sleep (I've been losing sleep)

Waiting till the night you call me

I feel like I’m an exile

Waiting for your pardon

I’m crying

Have mercy on this soul of mine

But if you ever find yourself thinking of me

Oh please

Call me


I’ve been losing sleep (I've been losing sleep)

Wide awake while the world’s asleep

I’ve been losing sleep (I've been losing sleep)

Waiting till the night you call me

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Orange lyrics


Letras de canciones más destacadas de Ballad

Orange ft. TIMHALL
Pray to God you hear me So many hours of my mind I spent thinking and waiting Can we reconcile? We were complicated I’m sorry that I played my part in it Things went overboard If you need it I can make it all my fault I’ve broken all my walls
Ooh, you're so smooth (You are) Sweet like (Like a) A glass of Lemonade (Ooh, ooh) Ooh, you're so smooth (You are) Sweet like (Like a) A glass of Lemonade (Ooh, you're so) So sweet When I taste you on my lips Such a treat S...

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Ver todas las letras de canciones de Ballad

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La letra de la canción "Orange - Ballad" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "Orange" del artista "Ballad" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "Ballad" llamada "Orange".