
One Last Dance - Tom Morello


"One Last Dance" es una canci贸n interpretada por Tom Morello, grandson y Roman Morello. 

Lyrics One Last Dance - Tom Morello ft. grandson, Roman Morello

Give me one last dance before we hit the ground

Push me into overdrive

What a lovely way to die

If you're with me by my side

I'm in for the ride, uh

There's no running, no escape

All the venom never waits

Once you feel it hit your veins

It's too late, you're gone

And there's no stopping what's going down

Give me one last dance before we hit the ground

Before we hit the ground

Push me up against the wall

It's the final curtain call

'Bout to be a ballroom brawl

Oh, come on

And there's no stopping what's going down

There won't be a next time now

But I'll be fine if you're around

Give me one last dance before we hit the ground

Before we hit the ground

Before we hit the ground

Before we hit the, before we hit the, before we hit the ground

There's no stopping what's going down

There won't be a next time now

But I'll be fine if you're around

Give me one last dance before we hit the ground

Before we hit the ground

Before we hit the, before we hit the, before we hit the ground

Letra a帽adida por el usuario: Nilmey
One Last Dance lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Tom Morello

One Last Dance
Featuring: Roman Morello
Give me one last dance before we hit the ground // Push me into overdrive // What a lovely way to die // If you're with me by my side // I'm in for the ride, uh //

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Tom Morello

One Last Dance

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Descubre la letra de la canci贸n 'One Last Dance' de Tom Morello, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. 隆Sum茅rgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Tom Morello!