
One Eye Open - Mimi Webb


"One Eye Open" es una canción interpretada por Mimi Webb 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 de Octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics One Eye Open - Mimi Webb

You were somebody to me, somebody I loved easily

Somebody I believed, who wanted the best for me

You were somebody I could call, somebody I would lose myself for

And you wanted even more, you were somebody who took it all

You stole my innocence, ran with it

Was a mess, now I'm better for it

(Ooh) You were the death of me but I learned to love it

(Ooh) 'Cause now I don't give away trust like it's nothing

(Ooh) Don't fall so hard and not protect my emotions

(Ooh) Won't let my heart get broken

I'll sleep with one eye open

Since you

You were somebody who made me think twice 'bout how much I give away

But I won't make the same mistake (But I won't make the same mistake)

I love myself in a better way

You stole my innocence, ran with it

Was a mess, now I'm better for it

(Ooh) You were the death of me but I learned to love it

(Ooh) 'Cause now I don't give away trust like it's nothing

(Ooh) Don't fall so hard and not protect my emotions

(Ooh) Won't let my heart get broken

I'll sleep with one eye open (Since you)

Since you (Since you, since you, since you, since you, since you)

Since you (Since you, since you, since you, since you, since you)

You said it, I felt it, the love of your life, so where are you now?

I'm breaking, protecting myself from the pain of getting let down

You were somebody to me (Mm)

You were somebody to me

But now I'm better for it (Oh)

You were the death of me but I learned to love it

(Ooh) 'Cause now I don't give away trust like it's nothing

(Ooh) Don't fall so hard and not protect my emotions

(Ooh) Won't let my heart get broken

I'll sleep with one eye open

Since you (Since you, since you, since you, since you, since you)

Since you (Since you, since you, since you, since you, since you)

Since you (Since you, since you, since you, since you, since you)

Since you (Since you, since you, since you, since you, since you)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
One Eye Open lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Mimi Webb

This Moment (from Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken)
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, this moment // Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh // Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, this moment // Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh // Look in the mirror //
Red Flags
Well, the first time we went out // You said you'd never settle down // Without a doubt (Doubt) // You said your ex still comes around // I found her things around your house //
Roles Reversed
Your heart was black and blue // The night I jumped into you // I nursed you to health // I wanted to help // But broke myself fixin' you //
(Hey) // You told me everythin' to make me stay // You told me everybody makes mistakes // And it was over, I guess, but I was still in your bed // Thought I could keep you as a "just in case" //
House On Fire
(You liar)(Now I'ma set your house on fire) // I make friends with the head of police // To make sure he'd suspect me the least // If I'm caught, I'll be out in a week // I got my story straight down to a T //

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Mimi Webb

One Eye Open

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'One Eye Open' de Mimi Webb, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Mimi Webb!