
On the Side - USHER


"On the Side" es una canción interpretada por USHER, publicada en el álbum COMING HOME

Fecha de lanzamiento: 09 de febrero del año 2024. 

Lyrics On the Side - USHER

I know that it's wrong, but it still feels so right

I'm in love with a girl that I see on the side

We both know the truth, but I still tell a lie

I'm in love with a girl that I see on the side

We be talkin' through DM now

Finally, I know all her friends now

Got me a girl and she got her nigga

He never stood a chance, he don't give what I give her

Don't say nothin', we keep it private (Shh)

PDA, it ain't a option, no

But I'm a different person every time I get with her

I mean, I love my baby, but she way thicker

I introduce her to things that she ain't used to

I got a woman, but baby, don't wanna lose you

That's what I want and everything that I need, oh

I know that it's wrong, but it still feels so right

I'm in love with a girl that I see on the side

We both know the truth, but I still tell a lie

I'm in love with a girl that I see on the side

We got the late-night textin'

If we keep all this up, both of our mains gon' turn to exes

When we so reckless

She come and see me in Atlanta, we rendezvous in Texas

Sendin' me pictures with her clothes off (Off)

Why she gotta be such a show off? (Yeah)

Step outside to take a phone call

She tellin' me she ready (Bet)

Ooh, I introduce her to things that she ain't used to

I got a woman, but baby, don't wanna lose you

That's what I want and everything that I need, ooh

I know that it's wrong, but it still feels so right

I'm in love with a girl that I see on the side

We both know the truth, but I still tell a lie

I'm in love with a girl that I see on the side

It's too late for me to slide out

I can only hope my baby don't find out

You can only hope your nigga don't get wise

That I'm the one you seein' and receivin' on the late nights (Woah)

Yeah, we cuttin' it close

Runnin' out of alibis, it's just a matter of time

Steal her heart, don't wanna let it go

So we gon' have to keep it our secret

I know that it's wrong, but it still feels so right

I'm in love with a girl that I see on the side

We both know the truth, but I still tell a lie

I'm in love with a girl that I see on the side

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
On the Side lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de USHER

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Mmm // Let's go, yeah // Oh, oh, ooh // Oh, oh // Mmm //
Somebody said that your boyfriend's lookin' for me // Oh, that's cool, that's cool // Well, he should know I'm pretty easy to find // Just look for me wherever he sees you // I go wherever you go //
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We ain't good good, but we still good // We ain't good good, but we still good // I hate that we didn't make it to forever // Probably ain't gettin' back together // But that don't mean that I can't wish you better //
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Is it messed up I hoped you would be here // Only so I could act like I don't care? // Been a blur for the last two months // Got a glass on my lips and a burn in my chest // Got some new fingertips on the back of my neck //

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On the Side

Alias Artístico: U. Raymond, Usher Raymond IV, Usher Raymond

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'On the Side' de USHER, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de USHER!