
Old Friends Like Lost Teeth - The Wonder Years


"Old Friends Like Lost Teeth" es una canción interpretada por The Wonder Years, publicada en el álbum The Hum Goes On Forever

Fecha de lanzamiento: 3 de Agosto del año 2022. 

Lyrics Old Friends Like Lost Teeth - The Wonder Years

I woke up and caught my breath

The sun had gone down on Berlin

We lost you last week

But you walked into the room again

And you never took the ski mask off

When I asked you to, you turned away

And reappeared with new tattoos

The timbre of your voice had changed

I know it's a bad dream

But oh, I wanna build, wanna build you back from memory

Something that can stay, that can stay here when you go

'Cause I know all the people in my dreams are just me

They're all telling me what I know already

I'm caught in the gray, drifting out here all alone

There's a stillness in the air

In the late September dusk

And the maple leaves come

Crashing down all at once

And paint the pavement crimson red

I'm catatonic, wandering off

A song about death in my head

And I can't help but hum along

It feels like a bad dream

But oh, I wanna build, wanna build you back from memory

Something that can stay, that can stay here when you go

'Cause I know all the people in my dreams are just me

They're all telling me what I know already

I'm caught in the gray, drifting out here all alone

Old friends like lost teeth

I'm always caught in the space where you used to be

Old friends like lost teeth

In the space where you used to be

Old friends like lost—

I wanna build, wanna build you back from memory

Something that can stay, that can stay here when you go

'Cause I know all the people in my dreams are just me

They're all telling me what I know already

I'm caught in the gray, drifting out here all alone

Yeah, I know all the people in my dreams are just me

They're all telling me what I know already

I'm caught in the gray, drifting out here all alone

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Old Friends Like Lost Teeth lyrics


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The Wonder Years

Old Friends Like Lost Teeth

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