"Now We Are Free" es una canci贸n interpretada por Gabry Ponte, Blasterjaxx, #1Team Records y AntoNetta.
Lyrics Now We Are Free - Gabry Ponte ft. Blasterjaxx, #1Team Records, AntoNetta
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Comenta sobre Now We Are Free
Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Gabry Ponte
The Finger
Featuring: Georgia Ku
Hit me where it hurts the most // Throw your stones // You'll be looking at the finger // Stick it where the sun the don't shine // I got no time //
With You
Featuring: JP Cooper
Last drink at the bar // And it's all or nothing // Yeah, it's all or nothing' // Cause everywhere closes // And there ain't no afterparty //
Never Be Alone
Featuring: Sash! (DJ)
We could go, anywhere we want to go // Leave me lost and don't let go? // Never be alone // We could go, anywhere we want to go // Leave me lost and don't let go? //
They say love is supposed to be kind, taking you high // They say love ain't supposed to feel like a mountain to climb // Well there's plenty of good reasons for my sensibility' // Cause for some apparent reason, love ain't ever good to me // When I try to get my hopes up, I end up like I expect //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Gabry Ponte