
Nobody Like You (Interlude) - Freddie Gibbs


"Nobody Like You (Interlude)" es una canción interpretada por Freddie Gibbs, publicada en el álbum YOU ONLY DIE 1NCE

Fecha de lanzamiento: 01 de noviembre del año 2024. 

Lyrics Nobody Like You (Interlude) - Freddie Gibbs

You have one unheard message

First unheard message

You know, it's crazy

Every time I fuckin' call you, you can't fuckin' answer

You never come through

Freddie, you got me so fucked up

You got me so fucked up, fuck you

End of message

To delete this message, press 7

To s—, message deleted

First skipped message

It's me again, motherfucker, pick up the phone

Next message

You know I'm missing you, you know how I get when I miss you, nigga

Freddie, why you gotta do this? Fuckin' answer my calls and stop playin' with me

Come and get some of this, you know what's up

Next message

Oh, you think you gon' get away from me?

Nope, still here

Try it again

Hahahahahahaha, I ain't goin' nowhere

Next message

I'm tellin' myself to take these deep breaths 'cause you really fuckin' tryin' me, you disrespectful—

Message deleted

Next message

Oh, that's how we gon' do it?

I rubbed your crusty-ass white toes, nig—

Message deleted

Next message

You know I be overreactin' sometimes

I'm sorry, I love your lil' crusty toes

Um, but you know, come on over

Message deleted

Next message

Um, um, yeah, this message is for Freddie Gibbs

Um, yeah, th—

My name is Burt Burger and I, I'm calling in regards to, uh, the outstanding debt that you have with the goddamn devil

Nigga, pick up the fucking phone

Pick up the fucking phone

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Nobody Like You (Interlude) lyrics

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Comenta sobre Nobody Like You (Interlude)

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Freddie Gibbs

Too Much
Featuring: Moneybagg Yo
Yeah, yeah-yeah // Kane Train, you know what I'm sayin'? A nigga out here, you know me // Nigga, yeah-yeah // Too much for these niggas, I need somethin' real quick, you know what I'm sayin'? (A nigga doin') // Too much //
Lobster Omelette
Featuring: Rick Ross
Yeah, Kane // Check, check, uh // Check, check, yeah // Check, check // My nightmares' comin' true (Yeah, yeah) //
Black Illuminati
Featuring: Jadakiss
Slammin', used to sleep on the floor with a Kel- // Tec // Got a bag I can't bag yet because it's still wet // Repo man, I pay him a visit, ain't paid his bills yet // Brain hemorrhage, blunt-force trauma, I make him feel that //
Gold Rings
Featuring: Pusha T
Yeah // Yeah, yeah, Co // Kane (Hahaha) // You feel that? (If you're my down-ass bitch) // Yeah-yeah (Uh, yeah, down-ass bitch) //
Feel No Pain
Featuring: Raekwon, Anderson .Paak
Let us pray // King conquerer (Yes, sir), good author (For the king) // Promise, we good forever (Every day) // However (Make it go), it happens (Away) // I feel no pain (Shut up, let us pray) //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Freddie Gibbs

Foto de Freddie Gibbs - Imagen del artista

Freddie Gibbs

Nobody Like You (Interlude)

Alias Artístico: Freddie "Baby Face Killa" Gibbs", Freddie Kane, Fredrick Tipton, Baby Scarface, Gangsta Gibbs, Frederick J. Tipton, Frederick Jamel Tipton

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Nobody Like You (Interlude)' de Freddie Gibbs, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Freddie Gibbs!