
My Word - DD Osama


"My Word" es una canción interpretada por DD Osama, publicada en el álbum Before the album

Fecha de lanzamiento: 16 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics My Word - DD Osama

And she told him she don't fuck with me, but she know that she do

Don't know why she sat there and lied

I don't know why I fuck with her after she did what she did

Ain't gon' lie, it be blowin' my high, yeah

It be blowin' my high

Baby, come get inside my new ride

Show you the vibe of young rich nigga who's doin' just fine

Yeah, plain Jane on my wrist, got ice on my neck

For my new bitch, I might just get her a check

LV on my feet, I be makin' a mess

It be puddles every time I step

Told me you ain't leavin', you got up and left

Ain't accept it, but fuck it, I guess

I fuck with your vibe, but ain't nothin' less

'Cause my new bitch, she do it the best

Don't tell me you love me, you just wanna fuck me

Have some of my money, bitch, I ain't no dummy

'Member them days a nigga, I was so hungry

Me and Notti buggin' tryna get some money

And the way that I live, a nigga out the country

I got fans in Paris and they love me

You claim that you love me, but put him above me

Then sit on my face like it's nothin', that be funny

I'd give you the world if I could

But I can't, here's some diamonds and pearls

That Van Cleef bracelet, you know you that girl

Stuntin' 'cause you could, bae, let's travel the world

Yeah, yeah, you know you my girl

Yeah, I got you, that's my word

And she told him she don't fuck with me, but she know that she do

Don't know why she sat there and lied

I don't know why I fuck with her after she did what she did

Ain't gon' lie, it be blowin' my high, yeah

It be blowin' my high

Baby, come get inside my new ride

Show you the vibe of young rich nigga who's doin' just fine

And she told him she don't fuck with me, but she know that she do

Don't know why she sat there and lied

I don't know why I fuck with her after she did what she did

Ain't gon' lie, it be blowin' my high, yeah

It be blowin' my high

Baby, come get inside my new ride

Show you the vibe of young rich nigga who's doin' just fine

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
My Word lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de DD Osama

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Every opp shot (Grrah, nigga) // Every fucking track, nigga // It's that Dudey // Lo nigga, suck my dick (Grrah-grrah) // It's that D //
Letter 2 Notti
Tired of all this fake love and these people still thinkin' that they can control me (Dmac on the fuckin' track) // Why does my heart feel so cold? Got my niggas, but I still feel so lonely // It ain't over, Notti, I'ma do this for you and mommy // Told her be strong, yeah, I got her beside me // When I'm in these streets, yeah, I'm totin' a hottie, like //
Took a flight and now I'm cruisin' down the road (Grrah, bang) // Every opp shot // It's that D // D Osama (Grrah) // With the members in the spot, you make it hot, they let it blow //
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(Yo TJ, what you cookin' up?) // Grrah, gang-gang-gang // Like, y'all know what's goin' on, man // O // Y or no Y //
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It was nights I had to trap at the park // Totin' on Sally, this shit got a bark // You've tried everything, but you won't give up // Grrah, like, grrah, like // Grrah, like //

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DD Osama

My Word

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'My Word' de DD Osama, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de DD Osama!