
Made You, Made Me - George Birge


"Made You, Made Me" es una canción interpretada por George Birge, publicada en el álbum Cowboy Songs

Fecha de lanzamiento: 05 de abril del año 2024. 

Lyrics Made You, Made Me - George Birge

You're the kinda girl my mama wanted for me in her prayers

I'm the kinda guy that'd probably give your daddy nightmares

One from the country club, one from a country crowd

Said it wouldn't work, ain't it funny how

We ain't cut from the same cloth

But we lay down in the same sheets

It's hard to believe that the same God

That made you, made me

It don't make sense, it don't add up

Girl, it's "what the hell" when it comes to us

I still don't get it, why'd he take a saint

Put her with a guy that's everything she ain't

Yeah, I'm a few drinks into my Tennessees

That's the only time you ever get me into these

Talks with my heart on my sleeve, but I can't lie

'Cause, girl, it's hard to believe that the same God

That made you, made me

Made you, made me

How the hell'd you end up getting tangled up in this mess?

Ones that call you crazy call me lucky in the same breath

Oh, I was sinking to the bottom like a rock

Oh, but look at rock bottom coming out on top

It don't make sense, it don't add up

Girl, it's "what the hell" when it comes to us

I still don't get it, why'd he take a saint

Put her with a guy that's everything she ain't

Yeah, I'm a few drinks into my Tennessees

That's the only time you ever get me into these

Talks with my heart on my sleeve, but I can't lie

'Cause, girl, it's hard to believe that the same God

That made you, made me

Made you, made me

We ain't cut from the same cloth

But we lay down in the same sheets

It's hard to believe that the same guy

That made you, made me

It don't make sense, it don't add up

Girl, it's "what the hell" when it comes to us

I still don't get it, why'd he take a saint

Put her with a guy that's everything she ain't

Yeah, I'm a few drinks into my Tennessees

That's the only time you ever get me into these

Talks with my heart on my sleeve, but I can't lie

'Cause, girl, it's hard to believe that the same God

That made you, made me

Made you, made me

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Made You, Made Me lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de George Birge

Cowboy Songs
I don't come here much, but she loves this place // And I gotta find her // I don't smoke, but she does when drinks // So I got a lighter // I like whiskey, she likes tequila //
Beer Beer, Truck Truck
Somewhere off a dirt road // Somewhere where the stars turn blue // Somewhere on a tailgate // I'm layin' back, just dreamin' 'bout you // I know you think I'm crazy //
Chasin’ a Feeling
Well, whiskey's rough when you've had top shelf // Sure as hell ain't the same kinda drunk // And that nicotine buzz don't feel like it felt // The first time it fills up your lungs // Where's there to go when you've been to heaven? //
It Ain’t Austin
(It ain't Austin) // Bet you heard I headed north, that 150 loaded down // Don't know what I'm looking for, but it all looks different now // I ain't used to the weather and they ain't used to my accent // But I've started going out and I made a couple friends //
Cowboys Talkin’
Over a beer and under a Stetson // They don't say much and they don't ask questions // They just come here to wind it down // They're the type that'll wait for the right one // They don't care how long it takes to find one //

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George Birge

Made You, Made Me

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