
Lovers Don’t Die - Dermot Kennedy


"Lovers Don’t Die" es una canción interpretada por Dermot Kennedy. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de mayo del año 2023. 

Lyrics Lovers Don’t Die - Dermot Kennedy

Had a vision of a love dying out

I wanna follow all the birds to the south

I had a love that put a song in my mouth

It was easier to sing back then

Got a couple hundred verses about

Something as simple as a kiss on the couch

I had a girl who used to bury my doubts

It was easier to win back then

So will you let me inside?

I got some things on my mind

I need to speak to you freely

We were a moment in time

That's no reason to cry

We're never over, believe me

Ever think that lovers don't die

Everything was different that time

You'll always be the one who held me down, down, down

And taught me to fly

Ever think that lovers don't die

Everything was different that time

You'll always be the one who held me down, down, down

And taught me to fly

It's still goodbye at the end of it all

It doesn't seem fair when it's so easy to fall

When I had trouble it was you I could call

I just wish we could begin again

But that summer in Vienna

Staring at the stars

When I promised you forever

Vienna seemed so far away

I'd give anything to be there again

It was easier then

So will you let me inside?

I got some things on my mind

I need to speak to you freely

We were a moment in time

That's no reason to cry

We're never over, believe me

Ever think that lovers don't die

Everything was different that time

You'll always be the one who held me down, down, down

And taught me to fly

Ever think that lovers don't die

Everything was different that time

You'll always be the one who held me down, down, down

And taught me to fly

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Lovers Don’t Die lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Dermot Kennedy

Kiss Me
You could take a photo // Eternalise this moment // For the days when I don't believe // When our love gets stolen' // Cause there's no exception //
One Life
I've seen stars reborn in your eyes // Sky's on fire tonight // One life is never long enough // One life is never long enough // At last call, turn out the lights //
Better Days
Better days are comin', if no one told you // I hate to hear you cryin', over the phone, dear // For seven years runnin', you've been a soldier // But better days are comin' // Better days are comin' for you (Mm-hmm) //
Lovers Don’t Die
Had a vision of a love dying out // I wanna follow all the birds to the south // I had a love that put a song in my mouth // It was easier to sing back then // Got a couple hundred verses about //
Something to Someone
There's lessons in love sometimes // The heart is but a winding road // So this story goes // I get scared of the dark and I // I never even noticed rooms //

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Dermot Kennedy

Lovers Don’t Die

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Lovers Don’t Die' de Dermot Kennedy, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Dermot Kennedy!