
Love Somebody - Morgan Wallen


"Love Somebody" es una canción interpretada por Morgan Wallen 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 18 de Octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics Love Somebody - Morgan Wallen

Rumors goin' all over town

Can't keep my name out they mouth these days

Yeah, they say

I live too fast to settle down

Truth is I just ain't about these games

They all play

Wanna find

Somethin' stronger than the whiskey

And oh, I've tried

But every time I feel her kiss me, I keep comin' up empty, yeah

I just wanna love somebody

Who won't leave a hole in my heart

I just wanna love somebody

That don't want me fallin' apart

And I'd be lucky if I ever find

A somethin' more than just a crazy night

I just wanna love some-

​-Body who ain't hypnotized

By dollar signs and blindin' lights

Like they tend to be, yeah

I need someone that I'd be proud

To take on back to my hometown

Honest eyes that just ain't gonna lead

To lonely nights

Even when she's up against me

I don't know why

It feels like there's nobody with me

And I'm still empty, yeah

I just wanna love somebody

Who won't leave a hole in my heart

I just wanna love somebody

That don't want me fallin' apart

And I'd be lucky if I ever find

A somethin' more than just a crazy night

I just wanna love somebody

I just wanna love somebody (Woah)

I just wanna love somebody

Who won't leave a hole in my heart

I just wanna love somebody

That don't want me fallin' apart

And I'd be lucky if I ever find

A somethin' more than just a crazy night

I just wanna love somebody

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Love Somebody lyrics

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Comenta sobre Love Somebody

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Morgan Wallen

Featuring: ERNEST
She'll set the field on fire just cuttin' across a pasture // She'll have you fallin' for it all and then leave right after // And she got a cold heart but she got a warm smile // Cut from the same cloth, she kinda buck wild // Little bit angel, whole lotta outlaw //
You Proof
Yeah, I've been throwin' down the whiskey // I oughta get my money back // Someone said it drowns the memory // Aw, but it ain't doin' jack // Yeah, I been sippin', I been buzzin' //
On my Fridays when it's whiskey, I go back to Cincy // That Ohio night you tricked me into buyin' all your shots // Got your ghost up in my Chevy, shotgun lookin' ready // For them parties where you'd let me spin you 'round and show you off // I been tryin' to get away from you for a while now //
Last Night
Last night, we let the liquor talk // I can't remember everything we said, but we said it all // You told me that you wish I was somebody you never met // But, baby, baby, something's tellin' me this ain't over yet // No way it was our last night I kissed your lips //
‘98 Braves
I remember sittin' at that house, livin' room couch // Thinkin' no way them boys wouldn't win // Between them big three pitchers, Andruw and Chipper // It was gonna be hard to keep up with the Jones's // But as fate would have it, that Atlanta magic //

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Morgan Wallen

Love Somebody

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Love Somebody' de Morgan Wallen, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Morgan Wallen!