"Life Of A Loner" es una canción interpretada por FADÍ (NIR), publicada en el álbum SARAUNIYA.
Fecha de lanzamiento: .
Lyrics Life Of A Loner - FADÍ (NIR)
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Letras de canciones más destacadas de FADÍ (NIR)
Hm, Life
You know me that's right Aahh For this life I see shege, shege, shege They use me to play like reggae, reggae, reggae They don't wanna leave me Wesh, laissez moi tranquille They don't wanna leave me I just want to get onto my own dreams, ooohh ...
Wa Kamba Di
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Somebody, oh Somebody, oh (I'll find you baby, mm, I'll find you baby) Somebody, oh Somebody, oh I hope you're good Mr Somebody, oh The thought of you kinda warms my whole body, oh Ah, ah I hope you're good Mr Somebody, oh The thought of you...
Hold On/111
Yeah My life forward, my life forward Hold on. oh It's a life that you can't control, ooh You've done it before Why drop yourself to the floor, ooh All along, you've been pushing through life on the roll, ohh All night long, you've been fighting s...
It's 3 in the morning Looking at the stars, they're aligning Oh, ah, let me go prostrate Only Jah can hear me when I'm sobbing Oh, ah, light full in my body Peace and ease in my thinking I can see clearly, like I can see 3D Better than before I recite...
Please Don’t Go
Surely with hardship comes ease Protect me Oh, forgive me Protect me, oh I've been grinding for so long and I'm still here I was at the door of greatness when I fell again And when I tell you that I was so fueled up until I was not again You...
Ver todas las letras de canciones de FADÍ (NIR)