"Let It Be Christmas" es una canción interpretada por Walker Hayes, publicada en el álbum Christmas Vacation - EP.
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Lyrics Let It Be Christmas - Walker Hayes
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Comenta sobre Let It Be Christmas
Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Walker Hayes
Aye // Christmas is back, y'all // Bells in the track y'all // Mall Santa scaring babies in his lap, y'all // My baby's cozy, she mistletoe's me //
Well, Pam thinks Jesus is on His way // Doug thinks she's a hoot // Rob thinks Bud Light makes you gay // Shane thinks Rob is cute // Coach thinks college athletes are makin' too much bank //
​​​if father time had a daughter
Two, three, four // Saturday sleep late, bed head smile // Daddy daughter date down the cereal aisle // Shopping cart ride with my Goldilocks // Little arms wrapped 'round a Lucky Charms box //
Hey! // Grew up in a southern dimension // Where double-wides sat next door to mansions // Bag lady walking by the prep school // Rich girls by the cheap motel pool //
Ayy! // Gold legs in my Silverado // Gimme a kiss and I'ma give you the title // Super Walmart // Super model, yoo-hoo //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Walker Hayes