
Lease On Life - Andy Grammer


"Lease On Life" es una canción interpretada por Andy Grammer, publicada en el álbum Monster (Deluxe)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 de junio del año 2021. 

Lyrics Lease On Life - Andy Grammer

Like a sunrise on the longest night

Like a rescue coming just in time

Yeah, you save me when I cannot see the light

Like a heartbeat to a lonely drum

When I thought that, that the end had come

You remind me that it's only just begun

Took my soul down to the water

Mama, I came back a different man

Long as we got one another singing (Oh, oh, oh)

Everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright

Got a brand new, got a brand new, got a brand new lease on life

Everything's gonna be alright when I look into your eyes

Got a brand new, got a brand new, got a brand new lease on life

Like a deep breathe, wanna take you in

When I hold you, I'm alive again

You're the proof that God's been listening

You're the side where the grass is green

Yeah, you shake me like a tambourine

No jersey's, but we make quite a team

When you took my soul down to the water

Mama, I came back a different man

Long as we got one another singing (Oh, oh, oh)

Everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright

Got a brand new, got a brand new, got a brand new lease on life

Everything's gonna be alright when I look into your eyes

Got a brand new, got a brand new, got a brand new lease on life

Lease on life, lease on life

Everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright

Got a brand new, got a brand new, got a brand new lease on life

Everything's gonna be alright when I look into your eyes

Got a brand new, got a brand new, got a brand new lease on life

Took my soul down to the water

Mama I came back a different man

Long as we got one another singing

Got a brand new lease on life

Took my soul down to the water

Mama, I came back a different man

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Lease On Life lyrics

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Comenta sobre Lease On Life por Andy Grammer

Top 10 Canciones Imperdibles de Andy Grammer

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These tears mean I'm lettin' you go // I'm learnin' how to be alone // I'm broken, but give it time // I'm gon' be alright // These tears mean it's settlin' in //
Saved My Life
Featuring: Andy Grammer
Oh-oh-oh-oh // Oh-oh-oh-oh // I think you should know you saved my life // I don't think you realize // What you've done for me //
Good In Me
I like the way, like the way that I look in your eyes // And I like the place, like the place I take up in your mind // I fall on my face, never judgmental // See, I see mistakes, you see potential // I been afraid, been afraid if I open the door //
The Wrong Party
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Bite my tongue, but it's comin' loose // Hearin' how bad that it's been for you // Unhappy, don't know what for // Take your ass to the grateful store (Ah) // I thought you made it (Yeah) //
Good Company
You and me (You and me) // You know we make some real good company (Company) // Alright, alright, alright // Say you and me (You and me) // You know we make some real good company (Company) //
I Need A New Money
I am not merely an economic unit, I am human // How far off are we that that can sound confusing? // I wanna strive for more, but oftentimes, I don't know how to // I need a new money that measures my inherent value // What's your salary? What's your rate? What's your hourly wage? //
Love Is The New Money
Love // Is the new money, money // I wanna charm ya, disarm your cynicism // Remind your mind that love is what you're swimming in // And if you can't see it then I can try singing it //
Featuring: Andy Grammer
She said, " // Why you gotta // Buy me something to show me you love me?" // When did we start expressin' our feelings with money? // I mean, who don't like nice things, but you know what I mean //
I Do
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I got flaws that // You show me like a mirror // You got a temper // That only I can see // We got problems //
Me and fear, we had a thing in 1993 // Told me I was wasting time with all these silly dreams // I dated doubt, she knocked me down every time I tried // But I found joy in my life // Sorrow swept me off my feet in 2009 //

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Andy Grammer

Lease On Life

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Lease On Life' de Andy Grammer, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Andy Grammer!