
????latitude - Lil Peep


"????latitude" es una canción interpretada por Lil Peep 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 22 de Septiembre del año 2014. 

Lyrics ????latitude - Lil Peep

I think you straighten up a little bit

I think you should, I think you know

You should, you should look at yourself in the mirror sometimes

And say, "Look, what am I doing? Why, why am I this way?"

You ain't going nowhere with that attitude

I can't find anyone that's like me at this latitude

Ain't going nowhere, when I'm mad at you

I can't find anyone that's like me on this avenue

Going nowhere with that attitude

I can't find anyone that's like me at this latitude

Going nowhere when I'm mad at you

I can't find anyone that's like me on this avenue, hey

Just walk with me this time, she said

Don't talk to me this time

Fuck me right here, baby, fuck it

One more night here, baby, then I'm gone

Everything you ever wanted from me

I could give it to you right now, ayy

Watch my hands move, baby it's me (It's me)

I'm about to knock your lights out, yeah

Bitch, it's cold in my own city

You were there with me, used to want the whole scene, hey

I admit I never hated it

We were just some stupid fucking kids, hated everything

Going nowhere with that attitude

I can't find anyone that's like me at this latitude

I can't go nowhere when I'm mad at you

I can't find anyone that's like me at this avenue

Ain't going nowhere with that attitude

I can't find anyone that's like me at this latitude

I can't go nowhere when I'm mad at you

I can't find anyone that's like me on this avenue, hey

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
????latitude lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Lil Peep

​right here
Featuring: Horse Head
Love you, Chris // Baby, how you doing? I know you're not doing the best, but I'm here, I'll always be here // Tell me if you need me and call me if you feelin' alone 'cause I'm here, I'm always right here // Tell me that I'm dumb, I love to get numb, I know that I'm young, but I'm still right here // I don't give a fuck, I love who I love and girl, you're that one, so I'll wait right here (GothBoiClique) //
Featuring: ​rainy bear
I can see it in your eyes that you wanna get out // I can see it in your eyes that you need it right now // That you need it right now // That you wanna get out // That you need it right now //
Featuring: ​rainy bear
I've got shadows on me now and I can't fight them off // Told me to be careful what I claim, I cannot pay the cost // Boy, it's already done // Boy, it's already done // All of those painful mistakes that you made //
Life is Beautiful
I know that it hurts sometimes, but it's beautiful // Working every day, now you're bleeding through your cuticles // Passing through a portal as you're sittin' in your cubicle // Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful // Tryna keep your cool at your grandfather's funeral //
Go back there // Everybody so fake // Everybody act like that they care // Away from here // Everybody so fake //

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Lil Peep


Alias Artístico: Gustav Elijah Åhr, Gustav E. Åhr, Trap Goose, Lil Bo Peep, Peep, Bo Peep, Gustav, Gustav Åhr, Gustav Elijah, GOTH ANGEL SINNER, Hockiefan40, Lil Jeep, Beamer Boy, Gus Åhr, Gus E. Åhr, Gus Elijah Åhr, Lil Peep Shawty

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