
KAME HOUSE - Tory Lanez


"KAME HOUSE" es una canción interpretada por Tory Lanez, publicada en el álbum Alone at Prom

Fecha de lanzamiento: 17 de noviembre del año 2023. 

Lyrics KAME HOUSE - Tory Lanez

Can you read the room?

Lover, come to mine

I can tell that you want to be mine tonight

I can't stop my feet from trippin'

I can't stop my heart from beatin'

I can't stop my knees from gettin' weak

This is why I—

I can't stop my feet from trippin'

I can't stop my heart from beatin'

I can't stop my knees from gettin' weak

This is why I—

This is why I—

This is why I—

Can you read the room?

Lover, come to mine

I can tell that you want to be mine tonight

Sex with me so cool

Let somebody feel

It only gets better with time

I can read you, your body clings to mine (Uh)

Always wantin' you more than before (I know)

I can't stop my feet from trippin'

I can't stop my heart from beatin'

I can't stop my knees from gettin' weak

This is why I—

I can't stop my feet from trippin'

I can't stop my heart from beatin'

I can't stop my knees from gettin' weak

This is why I—

This is why I—

This is why I—

I can't stop my feet from trippin'

I can't stop my heart from beatin'

I can't stop my knees from gettin' weak

This is why I—

I can't stop my feet from trippin'

I can't stop my heart from beatin'

I can't stop my knees from gettin' weak

This is why I—

I can't stop my feet from trippin'

I can't stop my heart from beatin'

I can't stop my knees from gettin' weak

This is why I—

I can't stop my feet from trippin'

I can't stop my heart from beatin'

I can't stop my knees from gettin' weak

This is why I—

This is why I—

This is why I—

This is why I—

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

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Comenta sobre KAME HOUSE

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Tory Lanez

The Color Violet
I took my drugs and took my lovin' when I left out the spot // I left the party with a Barbie, marking X on the dot // She calls my phone up, but I told her, " // I'm a loner" (Uh) // But she likes my watch and my droptop and my persona (Uh) //
Grah Tah Tah
Featuring: Kodak Black
Yeah // Lil' itty-bitty bitch, haha // Yeah, nigga // And suck my dick, nigga, ayy (FOREVEROLLING) // I know y'all hoes want me in jail but I'ma stunt 'cause I'm a baller //
Lady of Namek
Baby (Baby, baby) // I want you to leave but you stay // My brain and my heart ain't the same // So will I let you in? // As long as you won't do this to me again //
When I drop, nigga, I'ma drop easy // Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah // When I drop, nigga, I'ma drop easy // Tik // Tok, big Glock, big bleezy //
Ballad of a Badman
Ooh, you got me // Ooh, you got me // Ooh, you got me // Ooh, you got me // You have to leave, just stay for a while //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Tory Lanez

Foto de Tory Lanez - Imagen del artista

Tory Lanez


Alias Artístico: Lone $tone Playboy, Daystar Peterson, Argentina Fargo, Argy Fargo, T Lanez

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'KAME HOUSE' de Tory Lanez, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Tory Lanez!