
Just a Feeling - The Martinez Brothers


"Just a Feeling" es una canción interpretada por The Martinez Brothers, Scott Storch y Leven Kali. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 de Julio del año 2022. 

Lyrics Just a Feeling - The Martinez Brothers ft. Scott Storch, Leven Kali

Sirens blaring 90 miles an hour in this place where nothing really matters

Nothing really matters

Nothing really matters

Saw my self with rose gold glasses, now i fell in the deep waters (Oh waters)

Yeah it's just a feeling, yeah it's just a moment

Yeah it's just a feeling

Yeah it's just a feeling, yeah it's just a moment

Yeah it's just a feeling

Can't sit still when i'm all alone

Mind is spinning out of control

Out of control

Don't be mad it's nobody’s fault

Were out here, there's no more problems

Yeah it's just a feeling, yeah it's just a moment

Yeah it's just a feeling

Yeah it's just a feeling, yeah it's just a moment

Yeah it's just a feeling

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Just a Feeling lyrics


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Just a Feeling ft. Scott Storch, Leven Kali
Sirens blaring 90 miles an hour in this place where nothing really matters Nothing really matters Nothing really matters Saw my self with rose gold glasses, now i fell in the deep waters (Oh waters) Yeah it's just a feeling, yeah it's just a moment Yeah it's just...

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The Martinez Brothers

Just a Feeling

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