
Islands (kompa pasión) - ​фрози (frozy)


"Islands (kompa pasión)" es una canción interpretada por ​фрози (frozy) y Tomo (Singer). 

Lyrics Islands (kompa pasión) - ​фрози (frozy) ft. Tomo (Singer)


She said she's from the islands

And I'm just tryna find her

Girl, you are my desire

You're all that I require

She said she's from the islands

And I'm just tryna find her

Girl, you are my desire

You're all that I require

From the islands, from the islands

Girl, you got a body like Rihanna, you a diamond

And I'ma blow in the sky, it's my timin'

I need a VVS ring that be shinin'

Woah, hold up, girl, I need to let you know (You know)

That you ain't no average ho

When I pull up late night, let's keep it on the low

Girl, am I your man? That's what I wanna know, oh

I got a feelin', got a feelin'

Tonight's the night, let's party, it's the weekend

Girl, your body got me sweatin' in my feelings

And you runnin' up a check, you a demon

Your hips don't lie, yeah, I'm tryna feel your vibe

Take your time, I ain't tryna steal your shine

Bend your body, I'm just tryna see you whine

I need your lovin', yeah, I'm tryna make you mine

She said she's from the islands

And I'm just tryna find her

Girl, you are my desire

You're all that I require

She said she's from the islands

And I'm just tryna find her

Girl, you are my desire

You're all that I require

She said she's from the islands

And I'm just tryna find her

Girl, you are my desire

You're all that I require

She said she's from the islands

And I'm just tryna find her

Girl, you are my desire

You're all that I require


Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Islands (kompa pasión) lyrics

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Comenta sobre Islands (kompa pasión)

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de ​фрози (frozy)

Islands (kompa pasión)
(​frozy) // She said she's from the islands // And I'm just tryna find her // Girl, you are my desire // You're all that I require //
From the Islands (kompa pasión)
(frozy) // She said she's from the islands // And I'm just tryna find her // Girl, you are my desire // You're all that I require //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de ​фрози (frozy)

Foto de ​фрози (frozy) - Imagen del artista

​фрози (frozy)

Islands (kompa pasión)

Alias Artístico: FROZY808, Кондратенко Максим Сергійович (Kondratenko Maksym Serhiiovych)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Islands (kompa pasión)' de ​фрози (frozy), disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de ​фрози (frozy)!