
Intrusive Thoughts - Lola Young


"Intrusive Thoughts" es una canción interpretada por Lola Young. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de febrero del año 2024. 

Lyrics Intrusive Thoughts - Lola Young

Hey, there, intrusive thoughts

You don't make sense at all

Wish you would go away with some paracetamol

Hey, there, intrusive thoughts

Maybe I'm wired all strange

All these intrusive thoughts

Don't know what's real or not

They scream inside my head

Wish I could kill the lot

I've got intrusive thoughts

Maybe I'm wired all strange

All strange

A thousand of you like an army

It's weird 'cause you don't wanna harm me

Kind of messed up that you are me

Can't we just play nicely?

Fuck you, intrusive thoughts

You intrude on everything

This better shut you up

Upping my meds again

Why do you come around

And show me I'm wired all strange?

I could jump off this balcony

And no one would care

And my friend wants to kill me

I know it, I swear

And I'm not what I thought

When I thought that I wasn't all there

A thousand of you like an army

It's weird 'cause you don't wanna harm me

Kind of messed up that you are me

Can't we just play?

Thousand of me at the party

Would've been nice if you asked me

Kind of messed up that you are me

Guess we just play nicely

Oh, hey, there, intrusive thoughts

We got off on the wrong

Foot back there, come on in

I'll put the kettle on

They're just intrusive thoughts

And maybe I'm not all that strange

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Intrusive Thoughts lyrics


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Lola Young

Intrusive Thoughts

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