
IN THE STARS - Benson Boone


"In The Stars" es una canción interpretada por Benson Boone, publicada en el álbum Fireworks & Rollerblades

Fecha de lanzamiento: 29 de abril del año 2022. 

Lyrics IN THE STARS - Benson Boone

Sunday mornings were your favorite

I used to meet you down on Woods Creek Road

You did your hair up like you were famous

Even though it's only church where we were going

Now Sunday mornings, I just sleep in

It's like I've buried my faith with you

I'm screaming at a God, I don't know if I believe in

'Cause I don't know what else I can do

I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone

I don't wanna say goodbye 'cause this one means forever

Now you're in the stars and six feet's never felt so far

Here I am alone between the heavens and the embers

Oh, it hurts so hard for a million different reasons

You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces

Digging through your old birthday letters

A crumpled twenty still in the box

I don't think that I could ever find a way to spend it

Even if it's the last twenty that I've got

Oh, I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone

I don't wanna say goodbye 'cause this one means forever

Now you're in the stars and six feet's never felt so far

Here I am alone between the heavens and the embers

Oh, it hurts so hard for a million different reasons

You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces

I'm still holding (On), holding (On), holding on

I'm still holding (On), holding (On), holding on

I'm still holding (On), holding (On), I'm still holding on

I'm still, ooh, still holding on

I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone

I don't wanna say goodbye 'cause this one means forever

Now you're in the stars and six feet's never felt so far

Here I am alone between the heavens and the embers

Oh, it hurts so hard for a billion different reasons

You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

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Comenta sobre IN THE STARS por Benson Boone

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Benson Boone

Sunday mornings were your favorite // I used to meet you down on Woods Creek Road // You did your hair up like you were famous // Even though it's only church where we were going // Now Sunday mornings, I just sleep in //
Beautiful Things
For a while there, it was rough // But lately, I've been doin' better // Than the last four cold Decembers I recall // And I see my family every month // I found a girl my parents love //
Slow It Down
I'd never met you, but I wanted // To invite you to the party // Then you walked in with those green eyes // Never stolen by nobody // And they flicker to the future //
Before You
Why would I want to fly // Be on the last red eye // Talkin' to your voice, only hearing noise // Oh, it's not enough // All of the nights I spent //
Work of Art
My heart, my heart's an empty canvas // I never could've planned this // The way you look tonight // When the moonlight hits your eyes // And the moment they meet mine //

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Benson Boone


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'IN THE STARS' de Benson Boone, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Benson Boone!