


"IN THE RAIN" es una canción interpretada por XG, publicada en el álbum AWE

Fecha de lanzamiento: 08 de noviembre del año 2024. 




Rain on my shoulder, cloud in my head

Head over heels, nothing to fear

'Cause we had each other

Fought through the weather

There were no other like this

And then you started,

Hiding it, sliding in

Baby, it's so evident

Boy, why are you stuttering?

That mouth you still running it

(*Goodbye*, **goodbye**, ***goodbye***)

Say you'd never been like that

Like that

Yeah, I know it's a shame, what a pity

You got nobody to blame but you baby

Night after night

All the times, all the tries

I'm washing it all away because

You left me

In the rain, in the rain, in the rain

Left me out in the cold

With nobody to hold

Can't you see

I'm outside, I'm outside, I'm outside?

So let it rain, let it rain

What else can I do?

Ain't no sign of a light

No umbrella to hide

Still I'm standing here right where you left me

In the rain, in the rain, in the rain

In the rain, in the rain

In the rain

Rain, rain don't go away

Please, stay another day

Funny how I don't

Wanna make it stop (Stop)

Hails every time it drop (Drop)

Drop, each drop, yeah

Right now you got me dancing in the rain

All by myself like I'm insane

But sometimes the words just can't explain

I don't really wanna think about anything

(*Goodbye*, **goodbye**, ***goodbye***)

And you know I won't look back

Look back

It was only a game, what a pity

Save it all in a frame without me, baby

Pour down the drain

All the scars all the pain

I'm washing it all away because


You left me

In the rain, in the rain, in the rain (*In the rain*)

Left me out in the cold

With nobody to hold

Can't you see

I'm outside, I'm outside, I'm outside?

So let it rain, let it rain

What else can I do? (*I do, uh-uh, uh*)

Ain't no sign of a light

No umbrella to hide

Still I'm standing here, right where you left me (Ooh)

In the rain, in the rain, in the rain (In the rain)

In the rain, in the rain

In the rain

(In the rain, in the rain, in the rain)

Let it drip and drop down nonstop

Baby, let me soak and scrub, wash you off

In the rain

(Can't you see I'm outside, I'm outside, I'm outside?)

Drip and drop down nonstop

Baby, let me soak and scrub, wash you off (What else can I do)

In the rain

(*In the rain, in the rain, in the rain*)

Drip and drop down nonstop

(**No umbrella to hide**)

Soak and scrub, wash you off

(**Still, I'm standing here right now**)

***Can't you see I'm outside, I'm outside, I'm outside?

In the rain, in the rain

In the rain***

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
IN THE RAIN lyrics

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Comenta sobre IN THE RAIN

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de XG

Yeah (Ayy, ayy) // A band of hittas, we a different kind of party (Kind of party) // The type of crew don't gotta answer to nobody (Nah, nah) // You mess around with us, I promise you'll be sorry // Trust me, trust me, that'd be a big mistake //
Yeah // Uh-uh // Yeah // X // G //
Chill Bill
J- // U- // R- // I- // N looks deceiving what I am //
I got what you want, I got what you need (Uh-huh) // Mobbin' like we don't follow anything (Oh) // Left, right, get it on the floor // I wanna see you left, right get in my zone, ha // Then we hit the slide ready for the swing (Uh-huh) //
Two Tens
Two twins and we both tens on the mic // Two lil asians like " // What's all the hype?" // If we ate the last tape then no crumbs left tonight' // Cuz we got what it takes to rock the mic right //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de XG

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Alias Artístico: Xtraordinary Girls

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'IN THE RAIN' de XG, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de XG!