
I Need Your Love - Keane


"I Need Your Love" es una canción interpretada por Keane, publicada en el álbum Cause and Effect el 20 de septiembre del año 209. 

Letra I Need Your Love - Keane


I see your face like a vision of God 

I shiver and shake and I'm lost in the flood 

Nothin' else matters, the world disappears 

I can't breathe and I can't think until I taste your kiss 

Give me some signal, say that you understand 

The meanest of scraps, baby, dropped from your hand 

This hunger I feel is sure to be satisfied 

I know nothin' else is gonna ease this ache inside 

I need your love 

I need your love, I need your love, I need your love 

Can't give it up 

I need your love 

Love me just a little and I will give you my life 

Throw your arms around me, shelter me like a child 

Be my direction, throw myself at your feet 

Give me somethin' in return for what you've done to me 

I need your love 

I need your love, I need your love, I need your love 

Can't give it up 

I need your love 

Let glory come 

Let riches rain upon my head, these golden drugs 

They're not enough 

I need your love 

I need your love 

I need your love, I need your love, I need your love 

Can't give it up 

Just give me somethin' in return for what you've done to me 

I need your love 

I need your love, I need your love, I need your love 

Can't get enough 

I need your love 

Let glory come 

Let riches rain upon my head, these golden drugs 

They're not enough 

I need your love 

I need your love 

I need your love, I need your love, I need your love 

Can't give it up 

I need your love 

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

I Need Your Love lyrics


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I Need Your Love

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