
I’m Cooked (Skit) - Lil Uzi Vert


"I’m Cooked (Skit)" es una canción interpretada por Lil Uzi Vert y BlingBling, publicada en el álbum Eternal Atake 2

Fecha de lanzamiento: 01 de noviembre del año 2024. 

Lyrics I’m Cooked (Skit) - Lil Uzi Vert ft. BlingBling

EA 2

EA 2


Yeah, new contract, I read mines (Huh?)

They said I was lost (Huh?)

They thought I was a dead guy (Yes)

I was on that NOS (Lil Uzi)

Smallest car was a Redeye (Skrrt)

Smokin' gas, don't cough

But it gave me the red eyes (Woah)

Yeah, new contract, I read mines (Huh?)

They said I was lost (Huh?)

They thought I was a dead guy (Yes)

I was on that NOS (Lil Uzi)

Smallest car was a Redeye (Skrrt)

Smokin' gas, don't cough

But it gave me the red eyes (Woah)

Alright, alright, alright, I swear everything's alright

Everybody thought I was leanin', I was really triple beanin'

All white, all white, all white, but I'm really still the demon

She tryna show off for Uzi, that's for sure

I don't share my drop, but she still got my lo'

Can't you tell I'm in that mode? Can't you tell I'm in that mode? Yeah, yeah

Bitch, I'm here to stay, that's the way it's gonna go

Your bitch called my phone just the other day (The other day)

Told 'em I'ma eat out just like ándale (Just like ándale)

Takin' all these drugs, I got funny face (I got funny face)

Mama text my phone, ask me, "You okay?" (I'm good, ma)

Mama, swear we good, hundred on the way (We good, ma, woah)

Yeah, new contract, I read mines (Huh?)

They said I was lost (Huh?)

They thought I was a dead guy (Yes)

I was on that NOS (Lil Uzi)

Smallest car was a Redeye (Skrrt)

Smokin' gas, don't cough

But it gave me the red eyes (Woah)

Yeah, new contract, I read mines (Huh?)

They said I was lost (Huh?)

They thought I was a dead guy (Yes)

I was on that NOS (Lil Uzi)

Smallest car was a Redeye (Skrrt)

Smokin' gas, don't cough

But it gave me the red eyes (Woah)

Your bitch called my phone just the other day (The other day)

Told 'em I'ma eat out just like ándale (Just like ándale)

Takin' all these drugs, I got funny face (I got funny face)

Mama text my phone, ask me, "You okay?" (I'm good, ma)

Mama, swear we good, hundred on the way (We good, ma)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
I’m Cooked (Skit) lyrics

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Comenta sobre I’m Cooked (Skit)

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Lil Uzi Vert

Watch This
Jump in a whip that you never seen (Yeah) // It got bulletproof glass and a ceiling screen (Err)" // Let me guess, it cost you like a hundred thousand?" // No, little bitch, it cost seven beans (Vyoom, I'm—) // I'm doin' what you do in your dreams //
Featuring: Don Toliver
Take your time, Uzi, take your time (Seroquel, seroquel) // Take your time // Yeah // I don't know if you really in love with me now (Why must I fall in love? Where am I? Said, why?) // I don't know if you really in love with me now (Why must you fall in love?) //
Just Wanna Rock
Ah, ah, ah, ah // Ah, ah, ah // I just wanna rock // Body-ody, yeah (Shake it down) // Damn //
The End
Featuring: BABYMETAL
Woah // Woah // Woah // Yo // La-la-la, la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la //
Featuring: Bring Me The Horizon
Deep down, I'm jealous of the daywalkers // When nighttime comes // I stare at the moon // And I turn into a stalker // Witness me //

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Lil Uzi Vert

I’m Cooked (Skit)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'I’m Cooked (Skit)' de Lil Uzi Vert, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Lil Uzi Vert!