
I Killed You - Tyler, The Creator


"I Killed You" es una canción interpretada por Tyler, The Creator, publicada en el álbum CHROMAKOPIA

Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics I Killed You - Tyler, The Creator ft. Childish Gambino

Your new hot comb go 'round and 'round (Go)

Your new blowout go 'round and 'round (Pick it out)

The 360 waves go 'round and 'round (Go)

The grease addin' up, it go 'round and 'round

I gotta work, I gotta eat

If they see you on top of me, I gotta leave

Bitch, I killed you

Your natural state is threatening

To the point that I point at myself and self-esteem

Bitch, I killed you

No findin' out a couple knots was a map

We escapin', them routes right on the scalp

Bitch, I killed you

Takin' you out, it's not a game

Feel ashamed, so we straightened you out without a doubt

Bitch, I killed you, you are so essential

How we used to pick you 'cause you was a symbol

Berries and oils, your nature was so simple

But I guess the coils and kinks became an issue

Therefore, bitch, I killed you, Jheris and Mimis (Mimis)

I burnt you, I cut you, I filled you up with chemis (Chemis)

Forced you to relax, you was thick, you was BB

Couldn't take the heat, so you gone when they see me now

Yeah, bitch, I killed you

Aunties, grandmas, sisters, mamas, darker-skinneded women's conscience

Got you, bitch, they killed you

Uncles, daddies, brothers, sons cut by one, the shit begun early

Bitch, they killed you

Mentally stuck, I couldn't see, when you breathe (I couldn't see)

Thought I needed a cut, it fucked me up (It fucked me up)

Bitch, I killed you

We don't got advantages, we don't match they images

So it led to damages, ah, I had to kill you

I gotta work, I gotta eat

If they see you on top of me, then I'm at peace

Bitch, I killed you

You are my crown, without the grease, really fine

Got the kinks in they mind they gotta ease

Bitch, I killed you

Gravity defy, against the elements

Call you fragile? I say you delicate

You the room, baby, they the motherfuckin' elephant

Talkin' 'bout my heritage

I could never kill you

(Go away)

(Pick it out)

(Go, go)

Comb that shit (Go, pick it out)

You need to pick that shit out, bitch (Away, pick it out)

Yeah, yeah (Away, pick it out)

Trapped in the back, aw (Where they at?)

Type three, is it type four? (Where they at?)

Fuck it, get down, this is my crown (Where they at?)

You got kinks in your mind, boy (Where they at?)

You're so beautiful (Away)

I didn't mean to (Just as beautiful)

You're so beautiful (Away)

Just as beautiful (Away)

Just as beautiful

Ooh, ah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Away)

(Away, away, a-a-a-away, away)

Just as beautiful (Ooh, ooh)

Dum, dum (Ooh), dum, dum

Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum (Ooh)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
I Killed You lyrics

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Comenta sobre I Killed You

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Tyler, The Creator

Pardon me, excusez-moi (I'm sorry) // Yeah, I coulda made a better choice, I mean, what the fuck? // I'm sorry, I'm fucking sorry // Yeah // I'm sorry, I'm sorry I don't see you more //
She could ride my face, I don't want nothin' in return // Her body count and who she fuck ain't never my concern (Y'all niggas weird) // I'm tryna buy my neighbor house (We back at it, dogtooth, yuh, dogtooth, yuh) // She could ride my face, I don't want nothin' in return // Except for some her time and all her love, that's my concern //
Featuring: A$AP Rocky
(Call Me If You Get Lost) // If God was here with us today // I think I know what He would say (Some shit like)" // You're so beautiful, and your lips look nice" // Uh (Not the- not the one on your face) //
My energy kinetic, the fitted hat by Ebbets(Yessir)(DJ Drama) Yeah // I like sugar, I like sweets, I don't like the spicy eats // I need bridges in my beats and Campana Brothers seats // The heaven part for me is knowin' I can // Wake up when I'm finished with my sleep, ain't no kids to feed //
Come On, Let’s Go
Featuring: Nigo
(Yeah) // Brr, brr (Ooh, ah) // Agh, I'm downstairs (Ooh, yeah) // Tsk, fuck you mean? (Ooh, ah) // Girl! (Ooh) //

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Foto de Tyler, The Creator - Imagen del artista

Tyler, The Creator

I Killed You

Alias Artístico: Tyler Okonma, Thurnis Haley, Bunny Hop, DJ Stank Daddy, Ace The Creator, Gap Tooth T, Tyler G. Okonma, Bucket Hat T, Tyler Baudelaire, Wolf Haley, Tyler Haley, Tyler Gregory Okonma

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