
I FOUND YOU - Switch Disco


"I FOUND YOU" es una canción interpretada por Switch Disco, Charlotte Haining y FELIX. 

Lyrics I FOUND YOU - Switch Disco ft. Charlotte Haining, FELIX

I found you

Drew a line 'round my heart, put my bags in the car

Drove all night, still, the tears were fallin' down

I turned around

And somethin' changed when I saw you

It was a lightnin' strike out of the blue

Now I know my universe was made by you

Dancin' in the dust, the heartbreak made me

A little bit lost, a little crazy

Had about enough, and just when I gave up on love, love

I found you

I found you

Just when I gave up on love, love

Day and night, wanna be by your side, where you are

Like a moth to the flame that never burns

My universe is you

Dancin' in the dust, the heartbreak made me

A little bit lost, a little crazy

Had about enough, and just when I gave up on love, love

I found you

I found you

Just when I gave up on love, love

I searched the deserts and oceans

You took my world, turned it upside down

And now we move in slow motion

Just you and I

Dancin' in the dust, the heartbreak made me

A little bit lost, a little crazy

Had about enough, and just when I gave up on love, love

I found you

Oh, oh, oh, oh (Hey, yeah)

Oh, just when I gave up on love, love

I found you

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
I FOUND YOU lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Switch Disco

Featuring: Ella Henderson
24/7, on my mind day and night, all the time // You ain't even by my side, yeah24/7, fascinated, you got me infatuated // Feel the power in your eyes, eyes // Must be voodoo you're doin', it's pullin' me back // Just a sip of your potion and my body reacts //
Oh, I know it's getting late // But I keep a little space // For when you come around // Why don't you come around? // Come open up the door //
Featuring: R3HAB, Sam Feldt
Want you, boy, you just can't take hints // I'm in the back seat now, don't ya leave me waitin' // Come on, kiss my neck, come on, pull my waist in // Baby, I'm so bad, I'm a real temptation // You wanna touch it //

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Switch Disco


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'I FOUND YOU' de Switch Disco, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Switch Disco!