
Haldern - Black Country, New Road


"Haldern" es una canción interpretada por Black Country, New Road, publicada en el álbum Ants From Up There

Fecha de lanzamiento: 04 de febrero del año 2022. 

Lyrics Haldern - Black Country, New Road

Ignore the hole I've dug again

It's only for the evening

I never wanted you to see that much

Of the bodies down there beneath me

You are the only one I've known

Who broke the world so quietly

And turned your perfect hands to me

And you ruptured every bone

We formed a ring around your home

To stop your body leaving

But you burned the final question then

And you rose out through the ceiling

I turn my face and hide in shame

You take my tired body in

And you wrap it up in your undershirt

And you pray for the pain to leave him

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Haldern lyrics


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Black Country, New Road


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