
Greyhound Bound For Nowhere - Miranda Lambert


"Greyhound Bound For Nowhere" es una canción interpretada por Miranda Lambert, publicada en el álbum Kerosene

Fecha de lanzamiento: 15 de marzo del año 2005. 

Lyrics Greyhound Bound For Nowhere - Miranda Lambert

Rain on the window makes me lonely

And time keeps on passin' so slowly

The old man sittin' next to me is fallin' asleep

On a Greyhound bound for nowhere

The sun's going down on my misery

Another day gone by with broken dreams

That cell phone I hear ringing, I keep wishing it was you

On a Greyhound bound for nowhere

And that ring that you were wearin' don't mean everything

And the way that you stood starin' as you watched me roll away

Well she loves you and you need me and there some things we can't share

I'm on a Greyhound bound for nowhere

Bright lights of a city shinin' up ahead

My heart's analyzin' every word you said

Did you take me for a fool or did you really care

I'm on a Greyhound bound for nowhere

And that ring that you were wearin' don't mean everything

And the way that you stood starin' as you watched me roll away

Well she loves you and you need me and there some things we can't share

I'm on a Greyhound bound for nowhere

And I'm gonna find someplace I can ease my mind

And try to heal my wounded pride

Rain on the window and I'm still lonely

And time keeps on passin' so slowly

You're with her and I'm alone and you're wishin' I was there

I'm on a Greyhound bound for nowhere

We're all on a Greyhound bound for nowhere

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Greyhound Bound For Nowhere lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Miranda Lambert

If You Were Mine
Featuring: Leon Bridges
You're a needle in a haystack // You're so damn hard to find // Candy apple red Cadillac // You're one of a kind // He let you go like a dandelion //
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned // When the knock down drag out's over // And Lord knows she took one too many // Well, her blue jean eyes are too tired to cry // And he won't know till she's gone already //
Dammit Randy
Well, dammit, Randy, did you ever hear me at all? // You were standin' bone dry in the middle of a waterfall // You were livin' in the dark, but you couldn't see the light of day // We were picture perfect, but you couldn't put it in a frame // Yeah, now that I made it to the other side //
Without that '57 Cadillac // And that mini mansion in a cul-de-sac // That 15-gallon Stetson hat // That you wear all the time // And those real expensive rounds of golf //
Holding On To You
I've seen the south of France // I've seen the sunset dance // Over Sunset Avenue // I've seen the Rolling Stones // Got real high on rock 'n' roll //

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Foto de Miranda Lambert - Imagen del artista

Miranda Lambert

Greyhound Bound For Nowhere

Alias Artístico: Miranda L. Lambert, Miranda Leigh Lambert

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Greyhound Bound For Nowhere' de Miranda Lambert, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Miranda Lambert!