
Green Gloves - The National


"Green Gloves" es una canci贸n interpretada por The National, publicada en el 谩lbum Boxer

Fecha de lanzamiento: 22 de mayo del a帽o 2007. 

Lyrics Green Gloves - The National

Falling out of touch with all my

Friends are somewhere getting wasted

Hope they're staying glued together

I have arms for them

Take another sip of them

It floats around and takes me over

Like a little drop of ink

In a glass of water

Get inside their clothes with my green gloves

Watch their videos in their chairs

Get inside their beds with my green gloves

Get inside their heads, love their loves

Cinderella through the room

I glide and swan

'Cause I'm the best slow dancer

In the universe

Falling out of touch with all my

Friends are somewhere getting wasted

Hope they're staying glued together

I have arms for them

Get inside their clothes with my green gloves

Watch their videos in their chairs

Get inside their beds with my green gloves

Get inside their heads, love their loves

Now I hardly know them

But I'll take my time

I'll carry them over

And I'll make them mine

Get inside their clothes with my green gloves

Watch their videos in their chairs

Get inside their beds with my green gloves

Get inside their heads, love their loves

Letra a帽adida por el usuario: Nilmey
Green Gloves lyrics

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Comenta sobre Green Gloves

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de The National

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I get myself twisted in threads // To meet you at The Alcott // I'd go to the corner in the back // Where you'd always be // And there you are, sittin' as usual //
Turn On Me
" // Turn On Me" es una canción interpretada por The National. Fecha de lanzamiento: 26 de abril de 2019. - * [ Letra  // Turn On Me -  // The National ] * -  Do you see rhythms in the ocean water when it reflects the moon? // If it hasn't already happened to you, it's gonna happen soon //
Weird Goodbyes
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Memorize the bathwater, memorize the air // There'll come a time I'll wanna know I was here // Names on the doorframes, inches and ages // Handprints in concrete at the softest stages // I don't know why I don't try harder //
Once Upon A Poolside
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Don't make this any harder // Everybody's waitin' // Walk-on's almost over // Teenagers on ice // Try to keep my distance //
Tropic Morning News
I wasn't starting yet // I didn't even think you were listening // I wasn't ready at all // To say anything about anything interesting // It's a thing you have //

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The National

Green Gloves

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Descubre la letra de la canci贸n 'Green Gloves' de The National, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. 隆Sum茅rgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de The National!