
Good In This World - Muscadine Bloodline


"Good In This World" es una canción interpretada por Muscadine Bloodline, publicada en el álbum The Coastal Plain

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Lyrics Good In This World - Muscadine Bloodline

Saw an old man in a veterans hat

At the service station pumping his gas

Pulled up beside him blaring B side Merle

He said there's still some good it this world

He said Hag was the poet for the common man

Got him through his tour in Vietnam

He was the first dance to a brown-eyed girl

When there was still some good in this world

He went and pulled out a picture that was sitting on his dash

I lost my Lydia a couple years back

Took that pension and I bought her those pearls

When there was still some good in this world

Walked in the station I put 10 on pump 8

Behind the register I can see it on her face

Right then and there I gave ole kindness a whirl

To show there's still some good in this world

So I pulled out a 20 told her you can keep the change

Making ends meet ain't met on minimum wage

Don't make a dent, but makes a day for a girl

To show there's still some good in this world

Thought about that old man's love on my quiet ride home

The girl behind the register and the love of my own

These days are numbered, my perspective has grown

Tonight I'm gonna hold her like tomorrow ain't known

I guess getting gas and tippin' cash changed the way I see the world

There still some good in it, and that good is you, girl

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Good In This World lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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Muscadine Bloodline

Good In This World

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La canción "Good In This World" de Muscadine Bloodline es propiedad de su respectivo autor. La letra de esta emocionante canción está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Queremos aclarar que nosotros no alojamos la canción "Good In This World" del artista "Muscadine Bloodline" en formato mp3, lo que significa que no podrás descargarla desde aquí. Sin embargo, tenemos disponible la letra completa junto con un enlace al video musical en la plataforma YouTube.com. Esto te permitirá disfrutar de la canción mientras sigues la letra, lo que puede ser una gran manera de aprenderte el tema. A través de este enlace, podrás apreciar la producción visual que acompaña a la canción y dejarte llevar por la energía y el talento de Muscadine Bloodline. Te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el video musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema "Good In This World". ¡Disfruta de la experiencia!