
Give It to Me Right - Melanie Fiona


"Give It to Me Right" es una canción interpretada por Melanie Fiona, publicada en el álbum The Bridge

Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 de febrero del año 2009. 

Lyrics Give It to Me Right - Melanie Fiona

Okay, okay

He's got my number and

You can't, you can't

Warn me baby here I am

Either you make the time

Or just forget me

I'm not, I'm not

Tryna run your life

That's why, that's why

I'm nobody's wife

But when I want, when I want it

You gotta be ready

I don't want it all the time

But when I get it

I better be satisfied

So give it to me right

Or don't give it to me at all

I don't think you understand

How real it is for me to find

A man who thinks he can

So give it to me right

Or don't give it to me at all

Yeah yeah

On time, on time

I expect you to be

Oh my, oh my

Baby in my fantasy

You can't get it right

Then just forget it

No ways ok

For you to go around

Uh uh, today

You better make a touch down

You know what I like

Won't you accept it

I don't want it all the time

But when I want it

You better make me smile

So give it to me right

Or don't give it to me at all

I don't think you understand

If you can't please me

I know someone who can

Give it to me right

Or don't give it to me at all

This is the real life baby

This is the life that makes me say

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

This is the real thing baby

When I'm alone I can make me say

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I don't want it all the time

But when I want it

You better make me smile

So give it to me right

Or don't give it to me at all

I don't think you understand

If you can't please me

I know someone who can

So give it to me right

Or don't give it to me at all

Give it to me right

Give it to me right

Give it to me right

Or don't give it to me at all

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Give It to Me Right lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Melanie Fiona

You Stop My Heart
I'm so excited I can't get past one, two, three // I'm so impatient, it's everything you do to me // A little fire mixed in good with desire // Makes my heart sing like a choir // I'm on a respirator whenever he leaves //
Teach Him
Verse 1: // No one's perfect // No one's certain what life's all about // It's a door we can't figure out all alone // So we trust in who we can //
Give It to Me Right
Okay, okay // He's got my number and // You can't, you can't // Warn me baby here I am // Either you make the time //
Please Don’t Go (Cry Baby)
I want to love you // Until the morning comes // Secretly I want to tap you on your shoulder // And ask you to come closer to me(I wanna love you I I wanna love you) // Baby your so fine //
Sad Songs
(Doo do doo doo)(Doo do doo doo) // Oh sad songs, are the best songs, oh yeah // I know there's love waiting on the of top a hill // When I get there I hope it's not to late to reveal // This broken heart of mine //

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Foto de Melanie Fiona - Imagen del artista

Melanie Fiona

Give It to Me Right

Alias Artístico: Syren Hall, Melanie Hall, Melanie Fiona Hallim, Melanie Hallim

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Give It to Me Right' de Melanie Fiona, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Melanie Fiona!