
Ghost Behind My Eyes - Ozzy Osbourne


"Ghost Behind My Eyes" es una canción interpretada por Ozzy Osbourne, publicada en el álbum Ozzmosis

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de octubre del año 1995. 

Lyrics Ghost Behind My Eyes - Ozzy Osbourne

There is a person living in my head

She comes to visit every night in bed

I fight the demon, but it just won't fall

The voices in my dungeon

Starting to call

The spiders dancing on the wall

Suicide of love we could have had it all

And it is you

You are the ghost behind my eyes

I can't see through you

You are the ghost behind my eyes

The ghost that tells me lies

The princess of the dark has made my mind home

My haunted head and her won't leave me alone

She dances on my heart with fire in my soul

I hate that feeling when I'm losing control

The spiders dancing on the wall

Suicide of love we could have had it all

And it is you

You are the ghost behind my eyes

I can't see through you

You are the ghost behind my eyes

The ghost that tells me lies

I wish to god that I could sleep again

Oh peace again

And wake up from this nightmare free again

Free again, oh me again

There is a woman living in my head

She comes to visit every night in bed

The spiders dancing on the wall

Suicide of love we could have had it all

And it is you

You are the ghost behind my eyes

You, you are the ghost behind my eyes

Behind my eyes

The ghost behind my eyes

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Ghost Behind My Eyes lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Ozzy Osbourne

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Ordinary Man
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I was unprepared for fame // Then everybody knew my name // No more lonely nights, it's all for you // I have traveled many miles // I've seen tears and I've seen smiles //
It's A Raid
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It's a raid // Oh, no // Hide everything // I hear them breathing on my telephone // I know I'm never alone //
One, two, three, four // Do you have any memories? Hahaha // Dark memories // Dark memories // They keep me up all night //
Today Is The End
The road to Hell isn't paved // Not every soul can be saved (You reap what you sow) // They kill and we give them fame // So tell me who is to blame(You animal) // Run, you better run //

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Ozzy Osbourne

Ghost Behind My Eyes

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Ghost Behind My Eyes' de Ozzy Osbourne, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Ozzy Osbourne!