"Ghetto Story" es una canción interpretada por Ice Cube, publicada en el álbum Man Down.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 22 de noviembre del año 2024.
Lyrics Ghetto Story - Ice Cube
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Comenta sobre Ghetto Story
Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Ice Cube
Check Yo Self (Remix)
Featuring: Das EFX
Yeah // So come on and chickity-check yo' self before you wreck yo' self // Check (Yeah) // Who's there?(Yeah) Check // You better check yo' self before you wreck yo' self' //
Aiyyo, Ice Cube man // Since you went solo, what's up with the rest of the crew? // So High you can't get around it // So low you can't get under it // So High you can't get over it //
You Know How We Do It (Remix)
Slippin', slidin', glidin', Low-ridin' // Ain't no hidin' from this hit // Fool, you know how we do— // Westside // I'm comin' from the Westside //
Why, oh why must you swoop through the hood // Like everybody from the hood is up to no good ? // You think all the girls around here are trickin' // Up there lookin' like Superchicken // At night I see your light through my bedroom window //
What Can I Do? (Remix)
Featuring: Mack 10
In any country, prison is where society sends it's failures // But in this country, society itself is failing // Hellll yeah! Uhh.. // Ta-dow! Uhh.. // Ta-dow! Uhh.. //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Ice Cube