
Funny Girl - Father John Misty


"Funny Girl" es una canción interpretada por Father John Misty, publicada en el álbum Chloë and the Next 20th Century

Fecha de lanzamiento: 05 de enero del año 2022. 

Lyrics Funny Girl - Father John Misty

Funny girl, you look so unassuming

Right up until the room you're captivating

Starts to fill with gut-busting laughter

And you're transformed into a five foot Cleopatra

Funny girl, your schedule's pretty crazy

Doing interviews for the new live action Cathy

Could you pencil in an industry outsider?

Yeah, you're young but, baby, you're not getting younger

Funny girl

For once your timing wasn't great

I must have missed you by a day

But, baby, things have turned out pretty good this way

And I don't think either of us yearns to share the stage

Funny girl, you seem pretty indifferent

But you knocked me out when you charmed the pants off Letterman

Oh I wish you'd flash that manic smile in my direction

And let me lead you to your seat like we were old friends

Funny girl

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Funny Girl lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Father John Misty

The Next 20th Century
The nazis that we hired // For our wedding band // Played your anthem like I wasn't there // For the father-daughter dance // From the boondocks of Egypt //
Goodbye Mr. Blue
This may be the last time // The last time I put on my shoes // Go down to the corner // And buy the damn cat the expensive food // That Turkish Angora is 'bout the only thing left of me and you //
Simone writes little of much consequence // Unless the theater’s how you pay the rent // A new work of some semi-memoir sits // Inside the weekend book editors desk // And while they have not mentioned it //
(Everything But) Her Love
Her parade on the ceiling was looking like rain // When he came by to borrow some blue skies" // I'm sleeping," she said "after a long night's dreaming"" // Hard pressed for a reason to get out of bed" // Here he is begging for less than enough //
Funny Girl
Funny girl, you look so unassuming // Right up until the room you're captivating // Starts to fill with gut-busting laughter // And you're transformed into a five foot Cleopatra // Funny girl, your schedule's pretty crazy //

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Father John Misty

Funny Girl

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Funny Girl' de Father John Misty, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Father John Misty!