"Fuckin This Fuckin That" es una canción interpretada por Kim Petras, publicada en el álbum Slut Pop Miami.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 de febrero del año 2024.
Lyrics Fuckin’ This Fuckin’ That - Kim Petras
Fuckin' this, fuckin' that
Fuckin' winnin', I'm the motherfuckin' best
Fuckin' this, fuckin' that
Fuckin' winnin', I'm the motherfuckin' best
Fuckin' this, fuckin' that
Fuckin' winnin', I'm the motherfuckin' best
Fuckin' this, fuckin' that
Fuckin' winnin', I'm the motherfuckin' best
I'm the motherfuckin' best
I'm the motherfuckin' best
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Fuckin’ This Fuckin’ That lyrics
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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Kim Petras
Featuring: Nicki Minaj
Yeah // It's Barbie and it's Kim Petras (Woo-ah) // I've been tryna give it to you all night // What's it gonna take to get you all alone? // I just want you here by my side //
My coconuts // You can put 'em in your mouth(Right now, right now, right now, right now) // My coconuts // Watch 'em bounce up and down(Bounce up and down, bounce up and down) // Coco, I tan and lotion //
Le futur c'est maintenant // Ain't nobody gonna stop me // Don't you let the music stop now // You're more than just anybody // Don't give up, the future starts now //
Uh, mmh // Uh // I wanna X- // X- // X- //
If Jesus was a rock star // Livin' like a party every day // And divin' off the stage // If he'd give it to a pop star // Then I'd, I'd wanna be just like him //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Kim Petras