
Flaws - Calum Scott


"Flaws" es una canción interpretada por Calum Scott, publicada en el álbum Bridges

Fecha de lanzamiento: 6 de junio del año 2022. 

Lyrics Flaws - Calum Scott

There's a million different reasons why I love you

And I'm sure that I could find a million more

There's not a single thing that I would change about you

You're picture perfect just the way you are

So, show me every mark and every scar

'Cause I want you

And all your flaws

If you're looking for perfection

Take a look at your reflection

'Cause I got mine

But I want yours

When you feel like you ain't beautiful

Just remember, I'm in love with all your flaws

I know sometimes you feel like you are worthless

But I wish that you could see you through my eyes

You're amazing in your heart out to the surface

Don't cover up the pain you feel inside

'Cause you can tell me anything, I promise I, oh

I want you

And all your flaws

If you're looking for perfection

Take a look at your reflection

'Cause I got mine

But I want yours

And if you feel like you ain't beautiful

Just remember, I'm in love with all your flaws

You've been hiding things that I just really love about you

So, promise me you'll be yourself and no one else, because

I want you

And all your flaws

If you're looking for perfection

Take a look at your reflection

'Cause I got mine

But I want yours

If you feel like you ain't beautiful

Just remember, I'm in love with all your flaws



I want you and all your flaws

I want you and all your flaws

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Flaws lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Calum Scott

I used to count the stars in the sky // Now I count the ones in your eyes // I used to think that my paradise // Was somewhere waiting on the other side // But you, ooh-ooh //
Run With Me
If you pray, and it just don't work // I'll be, I will be your church // I'll answer, and answer all that I can // If you're down, and it can't get worse // Give me all the pain and hurt //
There's a million different reasons why I love you // And I'm sure that I could find a million more // There's not a single thing that I would change about you // You're picture perfect just the way you are // So, show me every mark and every scar' //
I’ll Be There
What you hiding? // A little light has gone, you paint a smile on // And I can tell there's something wrong // No silver lining // When you're tryna take the world on alone (Alone) //
Goodbye, Again
I've seen a lot of heart break, cried a lot of tears // I've turned a lot of lovers into enemies through the years(Mm-hmm, mm) // I've spent a lot of time dodging exes in bars // Spent a lot of lonely nights tryin' to stitch my scars // It hits me hard //

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Calum Scott


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Flaws' de Calum Scott, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Calum Scott!