
Fight for All the Wrong Reasons - Nickelback


"Fight for All the Wrong Reasons" es una canción interpretada por Nickelback, publicada en el álbum All the Right Reasons

Fecha de lanzamiento: 04 de octubre del año 2005. 

Lyrics Fight for All the Wrong Reasons - Nickelback

Well, I wanted you

I wanted no one else

I thought it through

I got you to myself

You got off

Every time you got on to me

I got caught up

In favorable slavery

Was it wrong? Was it wrong?

I guess it wasn't really right

I guess it wasn't meant to be

It didn't matter what they said

'Cause we were good in bed

I guess I stuck around so I could watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons

No, it didn't matter what I tried

It's just a little hard to leave

When you're going down on me

I guess I stuck around so I could watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons

Well, you know my friends

They know your enemies

I'd pretend

Not to hear what they said to me

'Cause I got off

Every time you got on to me

Was it wrong to go along with insanity?

Was it wrong? Was it wrong?

I guess it wasn't really right

I guess it wasn't meant to be

It didn't matter what they said

'Cause we were good in bed

I guess I stuck around so I could watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons

No, it didn't matter what I tried

It's just a little hard to leave

When you're going down on me

I guess I stuck around so I could watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons

You know I’m the best

When I stick it on your chest

I know you don't care

I can stick it anywhere

On the bus, it's the best

When I blow it on your chest

I know you don't care

I can shove it anywhere

I guess it wasn't what I wanted

Wasn't really what I thought

Thought it was the day I got

I want it all to go away

I guess it wasn't what I wanted

Wasn't really what I thought

Thought it was the day I got

I want it all to go away

I guess it wasn't what I wanted

Wasn't really what I thought

Thought it was the day I got

I want it all to go away

I guess it wasn't what I wanted

Wasn't really what I thought

Thought it was the day I got

I want it all to go away

I guess it wasn't really right

I guess it wasn't meant to be

It didn't matter what they said

'Cause we were good in bed

I guess I stuck around so I could watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons

No, it didn't matter what I tried

It's just a little hard to leave

When you're going down on me

I guess I stuck around so I could watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Fight for All the Wrong Reasons lyrics

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Fight for All the Wrong Reasons

Alias Artístico: The Village Idiots

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Fight for All the Wrong Reasons' de Nickelback, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Nickelback!